The Latest Wisconsin Traitor IS?

Representative Glenn Grothman (R WI)!

Today the U.S. House of Representatives voted to revoke Russia’s favored trading partner status with the United States. It was nearly unanimous with the final vote of 424 to 8. Eight Representatives who couldn’t find it in themselves to vote in favor of Democracy. Eight Representatives who couldn’t find it in themselves to send a strong economic message to Russian Despot Vladimir Putin. Eight Representatives who ALL happened to be Republican. And of course most of them are the usual cohort of insane crackpots.

So given his history of crackpottery while a state elected official, it should come as no surprise that Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman was one of the eight. Wisconsin needs to send him to his own private loony bin this fall because he’s no friend of democracy, the United States, world peace, or the residents of Wisconsin. Actually the GOP should censure him and remove him from his committee posts immediately.

The House voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to strip Russia of its preferential trade status with the United States, moving to further penalize the country’s economy in response to the invasion of Ukraine.

The lopsided 424-to-8 vote came after President Biden announced last week that the United States and its European allies would take new steps to isolate Russia from the global trading system. All of the lawmakers who opposed the measure were Republicans.

The bill, which would allow the United States to impose higher tariffs on Russian goods, is the latest in a series of measures that lawmakers have approved to support Ukraine and punish Russia for its invasion.

And the nay votes?

Eight Republicans voted against the bill: Representatives Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin; Thomas Massie of Kentucky; Matt Gaetz of Florida; Lauren Boebert of Colorado; Andy Biggs of Arizona; Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia; Chip Roy of Texas; Dan Bishop of North Carolina.


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