While the Kremlin Kens and Karens In The House Try To Halt Ukraine Spending, Today Is The Anniversary of Poland’s Surrender to the Nazis and Soviets!

After Neville Chamberlain and the West looked the other way to the intentions of Adolph Hitler and his expansionist moves, on this date in 1939 Poland surrendered after being invaded by the Nazis and the Red Army. This effectively started World War II. Let’s not repeat history and let Ukraine…

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Some Thoughts On The GOP Reticence to Defend Ukraine.

I have already taken a position on this on Blogging Blue: 1938 Sudetenland : 1939 Poland :: 2022 Ukraine : 2023 Poland. But given some of the comments at the GOP debate this past week, I guess I need to do it again. A friend of mine recently visited the…

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Having Reached The First Year Anniversary of the War In Ukraine…something to consider:

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1938 Sudetenland : 1939 Poland :: 2022 Ukraine : 2023 Poland

America’s GOP Kremlin Kens and Karens are vying for the title of Neville Chamberlain of the 21st Century…their mothers will be so proud.

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All Putin Has To Do IS:

say he drove the Nazis out of Ukraine, declare victory, and go home.

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What Does Tom Tiffany Have Against Democracy?

Let’s see…the US Senate recently passed a bill titled Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 essentially on a voice vote of 100 – 0. Unanimous. This is modeled on a WWII program that provided weapons to the allies fighting Hitler before the United States entered the war. Given the…

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Thursday Music: Julian Lennon: Imagine

“The War on Ukraine is an unimaginable tragedy… As a human, and as an artist, I felt compelled to respond in the most significant way I could. So today, for the first time ever, I publicly performed my Dad’s song, IMAGINE. Why now, after all these years? – I had…

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Biden Oversteps His Bounds…

This whole thing could have been avoided. If President Joe Biden had simply stuck to his script instead of getting emotionally involved…he wouldn’t have given Vladimir Putin another log on his fire of paranoia and a legitimate talking point against the United States. But Biden did it: “For God’s sake,…

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Putin Wanted To Take Ukraine Back…but how far?

So far he’s managed to take it back: to 1945…the end of WWII. And he’s committed dozens of war crimes to accomplish that.

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Thursday Music: Beton: Kyiv Is Calling

This is weird. The original link to the video was deleted on YouTube. So I have linked the newer one. But if it disappears again please check the full story for details. This was sent to me by one of our regular readers and I pushed the regularly scheduled post…

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