MKE Common Council Release on Safer At Home Status

from this morning ‘s email: Our city has been hurt by COVID-19 disproportionately compared to other areas across the state. As such, we must continue our previously issued “Safer-at-Home” order to protect our most vulnerable residents, particularly our African American and Latino communities that have experienced devastating loss of life….

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Pertinent Question Of The Day

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City of Milwaukee Stay At Home Still In Place

The Wisconsin State Supreme court ruling this afternoon only overturns the safer at home orders from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and has no bearing on local municipality rules. So Mayor Tom Barret would like to remind you that the city’s stay at home order is still in effect:…

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WI Supreme Court Throws Out Evers Safer At Home

But don’t go throwing away your masks and six foot measuring tapes just yet: The Wisconsin Supreme Court threw out the Gov. Tony Evers administration’s Safer At Home order Wednesday saying his health services secretary-designee Andrea Palm overstepped her authority in extending a statewide shutdown until May 26. Republicans and…

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Reopening Wisconsin? Next Step:

From Governor Tony Evers Facebook page: Today we announced another turn of the dial for Wisconsin businesses by adding in-person retail shopping for up to 5 customers at a time for standalone or strip-mall based stores. And, movie goers will be able to catch a show at any drive-in theater….

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Endorsement In Special Election In WI-07.

In tomorrow’s special election in the Wisconsin 7th Congressional District. The election is between Republican State Senator Tim Tiffany and Wausau School Board Member Tricia Zunker. The eventual winner will replace Rep. Sean Duffy who resigned the position late last year. So the Democrats have a chance to send a…

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First Day of Free COVID Testing In Milwaukee

This is the first day of free testing and this is looking south along South Chase Avenue. The testing is being provided in the parking lot of UMOS, 2701 S. Chase. Wisconsin National Guard Troops are administering the tests and they have the capacity to do 500 tests per day….

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Wisconsin’s COVID-19 death toll as of Sunday afternoon of Mother’s Day 2020. At least 400 people have died from coronavirus in Wisconsin.

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Chris Walton Running For Assembly To Replace David Crowley

From this morning’s email, Chris Walton, Chair of the Democratic Party of Milwaukee County, announced that his is running to replace newly elected Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley in the State Assembly’s District 17! Friend, I’m excited to let you know that I am exploring a run for the Wisconsin…

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In Wisconsin: Who Is Getting Infected

charts from JSOnline for May 8, 2020. I am guessing this link will update as we go along…but not sure. Yes, the majority of deaths are at the top end of the age spectrum…that’s been in the news a lot…but it was surprising how many younger people have tested positive….

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