An Observation On Billboard Advertising In Trump Country

had to make a little business trip today into Trump country Wisconsin…aka Covid Central. During my travels north along I-41 and west along hwy 10…it is very interesting to look at the mix of billboards…a Trump 2020…a pro-life/antiabortion…a Trump 2020…an adult toy store…a CBD shop…a gentleman’s club…a Trump 2020. We…

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Gov. Evers Letter To Rep. Robin Vos And Sen. Scott Fitzgerald

since this isn’t in a format that lends itself to reproducing here, let’s see what I can do. I apologize for any typos or repeated text and disarray in formatting, yikes: October 12, 2020 Speaker Robin VosRoom 217 WestState Capitol Majority LeaderFitzgeraldRoom 211 SouthState Capitol Dear Speaker Vos and Majority…

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Wisconsin Allows Voter Registration Via Mail or Online…but only through Wednesday.

I am just going to copy and paste in this information from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on registering to vote in Wisconsin. When is the election?  The election is Nov. 3. Voters can see what’s on their ballot for their area by going to  How do I register to vote?…

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Judge Denies GOP Lawsuit To Overturn Wisconsin Mask Mandate

So now we get to see what the GOP has got…they can call the legislature into session and end the mandate…but we know that they have already stated that they won’t do that until after the November 3rd election. Way to stand up for your ‘principles’ but only when it…

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Wisconsin To (finally) Open State Fair Park COVID-19 Site

for the past week or so, as I’ve watch the state hit new daily records and hospitals were starting to reach their capacities, I have been wondering when Wisconsin would utilize the emergency facilities that were created at State Fair Park in West Allis. Well the answer is next Wednesday:…

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Gov. Evers To Limit Capacity In Businesses…trigger State GOP in 5..4..3..2..1:

In the absence of a unified state plan while facing a surge in COVID-19 cases around nearly the entire state, Governor Tony Evers again took action to limit the capacity in state businesses: Gov. Tony Evers took action Tuesday to limit indoor gatherings including in bars and restaurants as coronavirus…

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How Can You Expect Young People To Comply When Their Leaders Violate The Rules

As schools and universities reopened for in person schooling and Wisconsin watched as positive tests spiked and set daily records (new record today at over 2,800 positive cases) and are now seeing the daily death numbers set records as well (a record 21 today)…a lot of blame has fallen on…

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Last Week A Record, This Week Chicago Banned Wisconsin…AGAIN!

I don’t know…what was it? A month since Chicago dropped their quarantine requirements for Wisconsin visitors? Well, good news, we are back on their no go list again… The city of Chicago added the state of Wisconsin back to its 14-day quarantine list, which will go into effect Friday at…

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And The Courts Aren’t Helping Dispel The Confusion Around The Election.

There has already been a record request for absentee ballots in Wisconsin with municipalities already sending out 1 million ballots this week. Many more requests for ballots will very likely be received before the deadline. It will take hours to count the returned ballots and election results won’t be timely…

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Gov Evers Demands Resignation of Dept of Workforce Development Leader And Gets It.

The one major travesty in Governor Evers’ administration has been the handling of unemployment claims during this COVID-19 pandemic. No matter what actions have been taken, including hiring additional staff, the state just hasn’t been able to keep up with claims for unemployment. To the tune of hundreds of thousands…

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