Trump Sending Federal Forces To Kenosha

This can’t improve things…and what the hell is Governor Evers thinking? We really don’t need to instill further violence by creating a federally militarized zone in Wisconsin. waiting for Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald to weigh in. This is essentially in Rep. Vos’ backyard.

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BLOC Statement on the shooting of Jacob Blake

From this afternoon’s email: this press release from Black Leaders Organizing for Communities: Once again, we as a Black people have to bear the trauma of witnessing yet another unarmed Black person be shot by a police officer. We stand with Jacob Blake and his family, which includes his own…

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Bob Blackbird: Wisconsin’s First COVID-19 Fatality

Because Wisconsin has unfortunately reached the 1,000+ COVID-19 fatalities, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published a few obituaries of those Wisconsinites that have been lost. Here is their obit for our very first loss: Bob Blackbird. The blockade of Berlin and subsequent airlift was one of the opening salvos of the…

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preventable COVID-19 deaths in the State of Wisconsin…so far.

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WI State Senator David Craig On Gov. Evers Mask Mandate

The following letter was a response by State Senator David Craig to one of his constituent. They urged him to support Governor Tony Evers statewide mandate to wear masks in public places. This was originally shared on social media and I reprint it here with the recipients permission. Thank you…

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Gov. Evers Finally Gets Off The Pot: Got Your Mask?

Gov. Tony Evers is requiring all Wisconsin residents to wear face masks while indoors until the end of September. The order issued Thursday takes effect Saturday and makes Wisconsin the 34th state to require face coverings — a tool health experts say can substantially reduce transmission of the coronavirus, which can cause…

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Don’t Worry, Kids Don’t Get The Virus

and it is safe to go back to school… Meanwhile in the red environs of Waukesha County: Menomonee Falls Little League has suspended its season after players and coaches test positive for coronavirus Menomonee Falls Little League President Kristin Lauer announced the suspension on the league’s Facebook page July 23. She said…

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MKE Common Council Meeting On Trump’s Goon Squad

From the inbox this afternoon: Special Public Safety and Health Committee meeting set for Monday, July 27 Agenda to include communication about federal intervention in Milwaukee Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic, chair of the Public Safety and Health Committee, has called a special committee meeting that will take place Monday, July 27…

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Tony Evers Still Wishy Washy on State Mask Mandate

Meanwhile the state of Wisconsin continues to set daily records for new coronavirus cases. And Chicago is on the verge of banning people from Wisconsin from visiting their city. Governor Tony Evers has become a liability rather than a protector of the health and well being of residents of Wisconsin….

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Face Mask Post Of The Day: Medical College of Wisconsin

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