CPAC: the "conservative" convention wrapped up today. Thank God! It turns out that this is a place wher a bunch of millionaires hang out and a few speakers show up and try and get noticed by outcrazying the speaker before them. Here are some highlights, I mean lowlights: First off,…

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Americans For Prosperity: It’s really not working

[This post was co-authored by Lisa Mux and Phil Scarr.  All spelling or grammatical errors belong exclusively to Phil] We watched agape as Americans for Prosperity held an “It’s Working Wisconsin Town Hall” meeting at the Waukesha Expo center.  And as an added bonus, Lisa got a big hug from…

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West Bend Loves Hitler (and his cousin Hilter)

H/T Folkbum for catching this flyer being distributed. Here is the text: ADOLPH HITLER SUPPORTS RECALL OF GOVERNOR SCOTT WALKER “Mines for Wisconsin” encourage you to oppose the Scott Walker recall petition by signing “Adolf Hitler, 666 Hell Street (your city)” WHY? The recall people don’t want thousands of high…

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Wississippi Might be too Generous

The latest “special jobs session” where the Governor promised a “laser focus on jobs” which ended last night produced a total of 0.0 bills pertaining to jobs. Instead they took up such important bills as these: * Students Test Scores can now be used to fire and discipline teachers. *…

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Recall Election Thoughts

While the results from last nights election were not what we were hoping, they were also not clear cut. There was good news and bad news. Here are my thoughts about the GOOD NEWS of what we can take from last nights results! * Jess King is now a Wisconsin…

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