Kooyenga and Darling’s plan to kill the Milwaukee Public Schools

It’s out there now, the Republican plan (pdf) to start peeling off Milwaukee Public Schools and handing them over to private operators. And it’s awful. Sponsored by suburban Republicans Rep. Dale Kooyega and Sen. Alberta Darling, it is full of bad ideas and presents a possible future for MPS that is…

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R.I.P. Bill Darling

While I may not agree with Republican State Sen. Alberta Darling on anything, there are times when politics gets put aside, and the unexpected death of her husband Bill Darling certainly qualifies as one of those times. The husband of state Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) has died after a…

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VIDEO: Darling Voters for Pasch

Earlier today the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Democracy for America, joined by MoveOn.org, started airing a new ad here in southeastern Wisconsin. The ad highlights one voter who’s voted Republican in the past – having voted for Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W. Bush, and Alberta Darling –…

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Pasch edges out Darling in latest poll

According to a recent poll done for Democrats by the Mellman Group, Democratic State Rep. Sandy Pasch (pictured, left), who is challenging Republican State Senator Alberta Darling in a recall election, is in a dead heat with Sen. Darling. The poll of 350 likely voters had Pasch with a lead…

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GAB certifies recall elections against Republicans Cowles, Harsdorf & Darling

Yesterday the nonpartisan Government Accountability Board (GAB) approved recall elections against Republican State Senators Sheila Harsdorf, Rob Cowles, and Alberta Darling while also postponing any decision on whether the recall petitions against Democratic State Senators Bob Wirch, Dave Hansen, and Jim Holperin. The GAB’s decision not to take any action…

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Lame Ducks In Madison Aren’t The Laws

Instead I would suggest that it is the GOP ‘lawmakers’ who are the lame ducks. For those of you following Wisconsin politics, you are familiar with the lame duck laws pushed through the legislature and signed by outgoing Governor Scott Walker between the November 2018 election and the January 2019…

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Back To That GOP Sexism Thing

Earlier today I used an article from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about the communications brouhaha between the Democratic governor and the leadership of the GOP controlled legislature. The term sexism got tossed around in the halls in the Capitol. And then this happened: Responded Fitzgerald in a statement: “That is…

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Wisconsin’s Medicaid Hot Potato!

Wisconsin remains in the minority of states who haven’t accepted the Medicaid expansion as part of the Affordable Care Act. As a result, Wisconsin still has 82,000+ residents who are uninsured or under-insured and has lost $1.1 billion in federal government support dollars for Medicaid. These amounts aren’t being disputed….

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Lakeland Times: The Wisconsin Republican Party: Corruption, cronyism, and sleaze

Earlier this week Republicans in the Legislature decided to attempt to eviscerate Wisconsin’s open records laws, and outrage over the attempt to make Wisconsin’s government even less accountable than it already is to citizens crossed party lines. The Lakeland Times, which is anything but a liberal news source, published a…

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Why do legislative Republicans fear tenure and shared governance?

I’ve been thinking a lot about tenure and shared governance and the role of the University of Wisconsin System in our state lately. I guess that’s no surprise, considering the changes the Joint Committee on Finance has proposed, without hearing (per their usual modus operandi), to Chapter 36 of the…

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