Republicans propose bill giving Milwaukee County Exec authority to usurp MPS (UPDATED)

Earlier today it was reported Republican State Rep. Dale Kooyenga and Republican State Sen. Alberta Darling are working on a proposal that would allow the Milwaukee County Executive to appoint a commissioner accountable to no one but the County Executive who could usurp the Milwaukee Public Schools district to take…

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I am not an economist, but even I know that supply side economics is a crock.

It’s nothing but magical thinking…no better than “if you build it, they will come”. It is not the “rising tide that lifts all boats” that Jack Kemp, one of the earliest advocates of enterprise zones, promised when he introduced the use of tax cuts to stimulate economic growth in certain…

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The Republican-created mess at the Republican-created Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare

This is what you get when Republicans are allowed to run the government. When Mary Wolf left the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare this year, she wrote a pained letter to the agency’s leadership in both Milwaukee and Madison: “The decision to leave the BMCW broke my heart,” she wrote….

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Republican caught voting multiple times in multiple states

Well isn’t this something?!?!? Most of the alleged illegal voting occurred during the recall elections in 2011 involving Gov. Scott Walker and GOP state Sen. Alberta Darling of River Hills, but Monroe is also accused of voting multiple times in the 2012 presidential election. While Monroe claimed to be so…

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Milwaukee County Board Chair Dimitrijevic offers alternative Board reform plan

I know I’m a little slow on the uptake with this, but the Milwaukee County Board reform plan proposed by County Board Chair Marina Dimitrijevic is worth mentioning. According to reports, Dimitrijevic offered her plan as an alternative to legislation by state Republican State Rep. Joe Sanfelippo and Republican State…

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OUR Milwaukee County: Joe Sanfelippo Didn’t Write Assembly Bill 85

Certainly by now you have read any number of articles about the involvement of lobbyists in the development of Assembly Bill 85 ~ you know the one ~ the one that Representative Joe Sanfelippo introduced in Madison to reform Milwaukee County government. From Daniel Bice at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:…

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Fast Trackin’ In The Legislature: AB 85 Equals SB 95

Just in case any body had missed Representative Joe Sanfelippo’s Assembly Bill 85 that she co-sponsored…State Senator Alberta Darling introduced the identical bill in the state senate as SB 95. These of course are the bills to ‘reform’ Milwaukee County government. btw: where are the jobs?

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Whither MKE Cnty: Maybe a County Convention Is In Order

Yesterday marked the first forum that I am aware of that was aimed to discuss possible futures for Milwaukee County. County Supervisor Deanna Alexander held a town hall to gauge the interest in changing the make up of county government. The article in today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel says that only…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Community Forum on Reforming Milwaukee County

[I apologize that this is so late…but I have to borrow computers to post] A community discussion on reforming Milwaukee County government — including proposed legislation to slash the pay for supervisors and the County Board’s operating budget — will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Dretzka Park…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Referendum? They’ve Already Lied to You!

As State Representative (and former County Supervisor) Joe Sanfelippo fine tunes his referendum to dismantle MKE County government as we know it, he’s now decided to only include the changes to County Supervisor pay and benefits in a binding referendum. This is his suggestion to reduce supervisor salaries to $15,000…

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