“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

Today in 1947, the British formally ended their 200-year colonial rule of India.  The opinion of the rest of the civilized world forced them to bow to the inevitable due in large part to the work of one man, Mahatma Gandhi.  Beginning in 1893, Gandhi spent 21 years in South…

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Nine Good Reasons to Elect Mandela Barnes to the 4th Senate District Seat on the Ninth. (And not one of them is just because he isn’t Lena Taylor).

The primary for this seat will determine the winner of the general election as there is no Republican opposition.  The 4th Senate District includes the Northside of Milwaukee, parts of Glendale and Wauwatosa, and Shorewood.  The boundaries are Lake Drive and Edgewood on the Southeast corner, the corner of 105th…

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Morning Sickness….

I was shocked beyond belief this morning while watching an interview with the author of a new book, The Intimidation Game, Kim Strassel, on Morning Joe.  Joe Scarborough and Nicole Wallace just sat back and let this woman lie like a rug about the “Left’s scare tactics” designed to shut down…

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A little historical perspective….

Today, in 1765, the British Parliament enacted the Quartering Act which required American colonists to provide housing for British Soldiers, as well as food, drink, fuel and housing. Despite popular belief, the British soldiers didn’t “appropriate” homes or foodstuffs, but the Quartering Act caused resentment to grow nonetheless. After the…

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One woman’s search for meaning…

It’s funny how some fleeting thing is rolling around in your brain, not quite taking form, for days and then out of nowhere, it coalesces into an actual thought. Kind of a two plus two moment. Yesterday, when I saw Zach’s post about the piss poor Abele campaign mailing, painting…

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Second verse, same as the first

Apparently, there is some discussion about a brokered GOP convention as the antidote to a Trump nomination for the Presidency. Even better, according to the Hawkings Here blog on Roll Call, the leading contender would be none other than our Boy Wonder, Paul Ryan. Yep. That Paul Ryan, the new…

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It has been said that Einstein (and Voltaire and Ben Franklin) defined insanity as doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Whoever said it wasn’t wrong.

All day yesterday, I was ruminating on the upcoming Supreme Court primary and the great opportunity it presents for Democrats to vote Rebecca Bradley out of the race altogether. Even though the race is non-partisan, she is clearly one of Walker’s “tools” and would pretty much put an end to…

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When I heard that the Guv was going to announce that he was dropping out of the race, I began pondering a piece on the topic for Blogging Blue. Ironically, Scott Walker gave me my voice as a writer. I was always good at expressing myself verbally, but I was…

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Scott Walker on Meet The Press, oh my.

Scott Walker was interviewed on MTP this morning.  Almost the first thing out of his mouth is that voters want someone who will look them in the eyes and tell them what he will do…and it goes downhill after that….for 30 minutes. He’s still pandering to his base with the same…

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GOP Debate, Part Deux: The Republicans got Trumped

The clear winner (besides Fox who got 24 million viewers) in Thursday’s debate was whoever is going to run as the 2016 Democratic nominee for President of the United States. From the opening moments, each of the candidates showed America exactly what he would bring to the table if elected….

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