Why is Sheila Harsdorf hiding from Shelly Moore?

From RiverTowns.net comes news that a candidate forum in the recall election in the 10th Senate District has been cancelled due to Republican State Sen. Sheila Harsdorf’s refusal to attend: AAUW members have announced they are officially canceling a 10th Senate District forum they had been attempting to organize. Ann…

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Blogging Blue on the radio!

On Friday morning “Sly in the Morning,” which airs on 1670 WTDY out of Madison, aired live from Zak’s Cafe in Milwaukee’s Third Ward. Among the guests were Democratic State Rep. Sandy Pasch, who’s running to unseat Republican State Sen. Alberta Darling, Kenosha County Supervisor Rob Zerban, who’s running against…

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Because we don’t have enough unemployment in Wisconsin

Evidently not.  Sure, the Wisconsin unemployment rate was at 7.4% in April, which is low compared to the national figures.  I guess I’m a bit more concerned than the Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature.  Unemployment in Racine is 8.9%.  Those Republicans, at the behest of special interests, have decided to…

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Topic of the Week: Scott Walker recall

Last night at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s 2011 convention, DPW Chair Mike Tate called for the recall of Republican Gov. Scott Walker for the “trespasses Walker has committed” against the Wisconsin way of life. In fact, the general theme of the 2011 DPW convention is recalls, and while we’ve…

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Join Chris Larson to support Sandy Pasch

From my email inbox comes news of an upcoming event in support of Democratic State Rep. Sandy Pasch, who’s running in the recall election for the State Senate seat currently held by Republican State Senator Alberta Darling.

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What is the difference?

Yesterday in Madison, they debated the \"Keep Wisconsin from voting act\" in committee. During this committee hearing, there were two events that happened and I am trying to figure out the difference between the two. Event number 1. Protesters disrupted the meeting. Protesters disrupt meeting Three protesters hijacked the Joint…

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Republicans shut out working families in budget debate

Yesterday Republican State Rep. Robin Vos and Republican State Senator Alberta Darling, the co-Chairs of the Joint Finance Committee (JFC), refused to allow citizens arriving at the JFC’s public hearing in West Allis after 12:00 p.m. to testify on the 2011-2013 biennial budget proposed by Gov. Scott Walker. In addition…

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In Brief: JFC calls for county probe, GOP labels Sotomayor “racist”

Just a few random thoughts after a long, hectic day: The Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee voted 16-0 last week to request Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen open a fraud probe to investigate whether administrative fraud has occurred in Milwaukee County’s operation of several social safety net programs. Not surprisingly, Walker…

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