Republican convicted of vote fraud attempts to plead insanity

This is absolutely bizarre. An insanity defense is never easy, even when raised to explain a single violent incident, like a defendant attacking a stranger because voices in his head tell him the victim is a dangerous space alien. So Robert D. Monroe, an insurance professional from Shorewood, may face…

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Thinking of Our Children’s Future Is Borrowing To Build Roads

The party who keeps saying that we need to think of our children’s future while cutting education, cutting safety net programs, cutting funds to the UW system, etc…it once again considering our children’s future by borrowing to fund the transportation fund: Gov. Scott Walker plans to rely on borrowing rather…

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In Scott Walker’s Wisconsin, protecting children could be a job for high school graduates

To say the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare (BMCW) is an agency plagued by problems would be an understatement. The BMCW’s problems started before the BMCW actually existed, going back to a time when today’s BMCW was known as Milwaukee County Child Welfare. Back when Milwaukee County Child Welfare was…

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The Ostrich Caucus

So, we have overwhelming scientific consensus that recent global warming is anthropogenic, i.e. human caused. And what’s the reaction from some of Wisconsin’s prominent conservative politicians? Enter the Ostrich Caucus. While sticking their heads in the sand on climate change, 14 Wisconsin conservatives simultaneously signed the Koch brothers backed ”…

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What Does $11.53 Per Hour Mean

Do you have friends or relations who work full time and earn $11.53 per hour? Do you know people who work really hard full time and make less than $11.53 per hour? Do you feel that’s a reasonable full time hourly rate? Is it livable rate? Now, why am I…

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Problem With Walker Budget Means Borrowing $1 Billion

On Friday the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel featured an article quoting the Wisconsin State Legislature’s budget office had reported that under Governor Walker’s budget proposal, the state would be required to borrow nearly $1 billion dollars over the two year period. Most of that money, $994 million, would go to the…

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An election eve message for Waukesha County Democratic candidates

Jeff Christensen, the Democratic Chair of Wisconsin’s Fifth Congressional District, has written a thoughtful and inspiring election eve message for Waukesha County Democratic candidates and volunteers. Here it is, reprinted in its entirety, with permission (links added): Sometimes it is easy to be cynical here in the Fifth Congressional District, as it’s the “roughest”…

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WI GOP Can’t be Trusted

Fresh news from this afternoon.  No, Republicans in Wisconsin can’t be trusted even to live up to a contract.  From the Journal Sentinel: Over the objections of Gov. Scott Walker’s administration, a key legislative committee voted Wednesday against building a new train maintenance base – a decision that officials warned could mean…

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Tommy Thompson: The Mad Hatter of Hart Park’s “Celebrate Walker” Rally

by Lisa Mux & Phil Scarr If the Americans for Prosperity event we attended in Waukesha a few weeks back was a motivational rally, the pro-Walker gathering in Wauwatosa Saturday afternoon was feeding time in the hyena paddock. It was less Tony Robbins and more Tony Soprano. The modest crowd…

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“Kinda Makes Their Tea Party, Look Like a Tea Party”

The Washington County Republican Party recently came out (in force?), to show support for Scott Walker. Photo from Boots and Sabers where they said “The Walker supporters, who ranged in age from children to senior citizens“, although I am assuming they are counting the grandkids pictures in the wallet for…

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