Topic of the Week: recall elections

There are now recall efforts underway against all 16 Wisconsin State Senators who are eligible by law to be recalled, so I thought we’d talk about those efforts. Personally I see recall elections against Republican Sens. Dan Kapanke, Randy Hopper, and Alberta Darling being successful, giving Democrats back control of…

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Recall signature gatherers attacked, signatures stolen

It’s common to hear many on the right refer to union members who dare to exercise their Constitutionally-protected first amendment rights to free speech and assembly as “union thugs” and “goons,” as if the right would never dare resort On Saturday, March 19, two individuals were gathering signatures in support…

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Conservatives: “we are being outworked and out-organized in recall efforts”

I have to admit this brings a smile to my face: Both national and Wisconsin-based Republican operatives tell the Huffington Post the party is being dramatically outworked and out-organized by Democrats in the recall campaigns being launched against state Senators. The operatives, who raised their concerns out of hope it…

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Catch up

Having been at the Capitol almost non-stop since last Wednesday, here are some great links into what has been going on down there and elsewhere. Lots of pics soon and forgive me if these links have been posted! Scott Walker owes the Koch Brothers! Did I mention that Walker owes…

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A timeline of Jeff Plale’s legislative career

Here’s a quick look at Jeff Plale’s legislative career and his work on behalf of big campaign donors like Richard Strong and AT&T: A timeline of Jeff Plale’s legislative career 2000 Then State Rep. Plale – along with State Sen. Alberta Darling – co-authored legislation to transform Wisconsin’s small, state-managed…

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Teachers receive $5 for every ‘A’?

Conceptually speaking, of course. Not in reality. The bell is ringing, the money may be  coming, and both political parties are salivating over who can create a program to tap into federal funds to pay teachers more money. “We should not waste the opportunity the Obama administration is giving us,” Carlson said…

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A Map of the North Shore Districts adjacent to Milwaukee

Instead of breaking up MPS, let’s merge!

Dear Senator Alberta Darling, It’s good to hear from you. I was getting worried; it’s been a couple of election cycles since you’ve popped up with any anti-Milwaukee nonsense (I don’t think I have written you since 2016!), but here you are, just in time to distract the GOP base…

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Campaign manager for DPI Superintendent candidate Deb Kerr steps down

I haven’t followed the race for Department of Public Instruction Superintendent much (well not at all really) but I find this tremendously interesting…. For those of you playing along at home Deborah Kerr advanced to the April 6 general election where she’ll face Jill Underly, who has the backing of…

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Raise The Gas Tax Already

Regular readers know that I have written any number of similar posts over the years…often as former Governor Scott Walker and the GOP legislative leadership struggled with funding Wisconsin’s transportation needs (i.e. highways). And the problem hasn’t gone away but the players have changed. In his 2019 – 2021 budget…

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Remember That Time Abele Said He Wasn’t Going To Take Over MPS Schools?

Many of our local readers are probably aware of the history behind the state-mandated Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program – or OSPP. Essentially the state has required the county executive to take over 3 underperforming Milwaukee Public Schools per year and hand them over to private operators. The county executive…

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