Sean Duffy’s Attitude On Healthcare Borders on the Criminal

Some of the fallout from the GOP’s American Health Care Act is starting to become apparent when the numbers start getting crunched. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published an interesting article on Sunday March 19th and some of the effects of the bill on Wisconsin. Let’s start with this lead in:…

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Whither Obamacare: Welcome back donut hole?

One of the things ‘fixed’ by Obamacare was the drug donut hole devised by President George W Bush with his Medicare improvements. I think it will make an illustrious return under the American Health Care Act. Another chance for our seniors to decide to eat or fill their drug prescription…

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What I’d Like to See From My Democratic Electeds in Washington Part 1

I’ve been posting these little items under the title Wither Obamacare for about a week or so…some of them mentioning the things that I think are being dropped via the ‘replacement’ healthcare plan: American Health Care Act. But really, instead of just voicing their opposition to the AHCA, I’d really…

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Whither Obamacare: What About Those Free Wellness Checkups?

Ok, I know anything involved with healthcare isn’t free, it’s included in the price of admission. But once again, I haven’t seen anything in the media about other things that are included in healthcare coverage as a result of Obamacare. Like annual wellness checkups! Certain vaccinations! Mammograms! OB-GYN checkups! So…

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Whither Obamacare: How Will the Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Affect You?

This is essentially an open thread…but given the number of things that repeal of the ACA will roll back…how do you think it will affect you or yours?

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Whither Obamacare: What Happens to the 80/20 Rule

With the roll out of the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies need to spend 80% of their revenues on actual health care for their subscribers. The other 20% goes to overhead. The 80/20 Rule generally requires insurance companies to spend at least 80% of the money they take in from…

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Whither Obamacare: You Can Keep Your Doctor

In anticipation of the roll out of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama made his now famous comment: June 6, 2009: “If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.” That didn’t happen as planned…

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Whither Obamacare: Governor Walker Doesn’t Know Which Way to Go

Between being the chairman of the Republican Governors Association, a bestie of House Speaker Paul Ryan and a candidate for re-election as governor of Wisconsin in 2018, Scott Walker doesn’t know where to place his bets on the Affordable Care Act and the American Health Care Act. But I do…

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Whither Obamacare: Governor Walker Weighs In

In an obvious positioning to get himself re-elected as Governor Of Wisconsin, Governor Walker weighs in on the controversies swirling around the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (popularly known as Obamacare): Gov. Scott Walker Thursday will urge his fellow Republicans in Congress to overhaul Obamacare but also…

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Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated

Only an individual who has never had to buy health insurance in his life would not understand how difficult health insurance and health care can be. So President Donald Trump gets up in front of a group from the National Governor’s Association and said: President Trump told a meeting of…

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