Putin’s Bounties vs. Trump’s Regime

Several weeks ago, the New York Times, published an article outlining intelligence reports that Russia was offering bounties to the Afghan Taliban for killing American soldiers. Other media outlets and apparently foreign intelligence agencies corroborated the reports. What was the first response from the White House? Well nobody briefed the…

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Trump Ceded Afghanistan To The Taliban

After 9/11, the United States had nearly international support as it invaded Afghanistan to find Al Qaeda and drive out the Taliban government who had been harboring them and supporting them. Successful on its face, too many members of both groups managed to escape across the mountains into the border…

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US Should Just Withdraw From Afghanistan.

As the president continues to identify Pentagon funds that he can divert to build his wall instead…it looks like he’s ready to abandon Afghanistan. On Friday, the Associated Press published estimates for some of the accounts from which the Pentagon is pulling money, citing two anonymous defense officials. The largest…

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Is the Trump Regime Making Peace or Selling Out Afghanistan.

Will all of the hub bub in Washington around Kanye West in the West Wing and Melania Trump’s visit to Africa and Jared Kushner’s lack of tax paying…this little story about an American diplomat meeting with the Taliban was buried in the main news section of the Sunday New York…

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The curious case of Bowe Bergdahl

Is recently recovered U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl a hero or a deserter? I can’t presume to the absolute truth, but this certainly doesn’t paint him in a good light. The sense of pride expressed by officials of the Obama administration at the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is not…

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Why Don’t We Vote?

These two photos are Afghans waiting to vote despite the threats of death from the Taliban. Yet we had an election here in Wisconsin on April 1st when only 9.3% of the electorate bothered to show up. And no body was threatening their lives if they did so. So they…

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We Couldn’t Release the Uighurs, WHY Exactly?

The news today included the fact that President Obama’s administration finally released the last 3 ethnic Uighurs from Guantanamo. These last three political prisoners were sent to Slovakia. Of the 22 Uighurs originally incarcerated at Guantanamo, all have been released and sent to 6 different countries around the world, none…

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The False Nation of Afghanistan!

It’s been out of the news for a week or so now…but the US and Afghanistan finally completed negotiations on the continued presence of US troops in Afghanistan past the official end of American participation in hostilities at the end of 2014. I don’t think I need to recap all…

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Cheney the 13th

Now here’s a scary guy. The Canadian international volunteer organization Lawyers Against the War has called for the arrest of Dick Cheney as a ”  person suspected on reasonable grounds of authorizing, counseling, aiding, abetting and failing to prevent torture. ” Cheney is expected to visit the Toronto Global Forum later…

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The President Has No Spine: Syria Here We Come!

It is time to let the rest of the world get involved if they must…but it is time for the United States to stop thinking that we need to be involved in every local conflict in the world. But now, bowing to pressure from critics, advisers and purportedly former President…

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