So What Happens to Blogging Blue If We Lose Net Neutrality?

Obviously Blogging Blue doesn’t have the wherewithal to buy access to premium internet services if we lose net neutrality. So will you still be able to get your daily fix of skewed political commentary and sarcastic responses to commenters? Will the page load at a reasonable speed? Will it be…

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Two Protests Ten Years Apart

I’m always surprised at the kind of interesting articles pop up in The London Review of Books. In this case, it’s a short piece by Keith Gessen (subscription required), a writer, originally from Russia, who makes an interesting observation about Occupy Wall Street and a little kerfluffle down in Florida back…

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Wanna cut the federal budget deficit? Start with ethanol subsidies!

Here’s a good way to cut $7.7 billion from the federal budget : Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore said support for corn-based ethanol in the United States was “not a good policy”, weeks before tax credits are up for renewal. U.S. blending tax breaks for ethanol make it profitable for…

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George Bush and the Supremes

I know we are in the midst of a major election season in Wisconsin, not only the governors race which pits the mayor of Milwaukee against the county executive who after bankrupting Milwaukee County, feels he deserves a promotion. We also have probably the highest profile Senatorial election in the…

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Is Pawlenty McCain’s Choice?

Deke Rivers is wondering if Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is Senator John McCain’s choice as a running mate, and I’m wondering the same thing. Pawlenty has canceled media interviews he had previously been scheduled to do, and Minnesota news outlets are speculating Pawlenty’s the choice. Personally, I think the selection…

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Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Congratulations to Vice President Al Gore for winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his tireless work on the issue of global climate change. This has been a banner year for Gore, as the Nobel Peace Prize joins an Oscar and an Emmy among the awards Gore has won. As news…

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