Is Ben Carson just a great big bullshitter?

First there were the questions about whether GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson’s tales about his troubled youth are mostly fabricated. Now his tale about being offered a full scholarship to West Point has come into question, which begs a further question. Is Ben Carson just a great big bullshitter?

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The problem with Ben Carson’s backstory

Yesterday Scott Eric Kaufman of Salon wrote an informative piece outlining the problem with Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s backstory of a kid from the wrong side of the tracks who made good: it’s simply not true. In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN…

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How Bad Does Ben Carson Want to Be President?

Well apparently he’s not that serious about it as he goes on ‘sabbatical’ from the campaign trail to sell his book: Republican presidential contender Dr. Ben Carson has put his public campaign events on hold for two more weeks to go on book tour for his new tome “A More…

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Red Counties and Public Schools

Ok…so this is only anecdotal evidence…but I going with it. I had to make an unplanned business trip to Door County Friday night – Saturday. Along HWY 42 just north of the Two Rivers high school is a billboard touting the advantages of the Two Rivers public school system. This…

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Why does Ben Carson want to disregard the U.S. Constitution?

Article VI, paragraph 3 of the United States Constitution (emphasis added): The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support…

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Ben Carson Is Totally Tone Deaf Too!

Supposed GOP Presidential hopeful Ben Carson likened American Patriots to the terrorists from the Islamic State because they are willing to die for their beliefs? WTF? Republican presidential prospect Ben Carson on Thursday compared the Islamic State group to American patriots willing to die for freedom. In a speech to…

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Conservative darling Ben Carson: Stop “demonizing Ray Rice”

And here’s conservative darling Ben Carson weighing in on the brutal assault of Janay Rice at the hands of her then-fiance Ray Rice with a defense of the perpetrator. Former John Hopkins neurosurgeon and conservative activist Ben Carson weighed in on the termination of Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice’s…

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