United States Is Canadian Captive!

Given President Donald Trump’s logic this week that Germany is a captive of Russia (it takes one to know one I think) because of the Russian pipeline being built under the Baltic Sea to Germany…the United States of America is a multiple captive of Canada given the number of pipelines…

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When Did We Break The Rules From Econ 101?

Since mankind’s very first attempt at commerce when Ogg traded five perch to Brux for two venison steaks, we’ve all known that as the demand for a good or service increases, the price increases until the supply meets the demand. Doesn’t usually matter what we are talking about: gold, real…

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The Cold War 2.0

There is the Russian hacking of American institutions. Their support of President Assad in Syria. The continued turmoil in the Ukraine. And now this: Russian Planes Buzz Alaska Four Nights in a Row American and Canadian fighter planes scrambled to intercept two Russian TU-95 “Bear” bombers Thursday night, marking the…

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Do You Think Trump Will Enforce NAFTA Now?

There are a couple of things around NAFTA that failed to come out during the campaign. First, candidate Trump failed to mention that Canada made up one third of the partners in NAFTA…and in many cases free trade with Mexico and Canada is very beneficial for some American producers. Like…

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Canada Knows That The US Is Still Great

From one of our regular readers, this article and the attendant videos on the US elections: Our ever-friendly neighbors to the north have watched from afar a U.S. election cycle that has broken all norms for civility. It’s created tremendous stress and surfaced deep tensions within our society. For many,…

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Ending Ted Cruz’s Presidential Campaign Right Here:

For the past seven or eight years we’ve been told that an American male born to an American mother and a foreign born father in a foreign country is ineligible to be President of the United States. Without the largesse of Mr. Donald Trump, few of us would know this…

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That’s it….we’re moving to Canada!

Via Buzzfeed comes this hilarity…

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