Thursday Music: Bruce Springsteen & Jimmy Fallon: “Gov. Christie Traffic Jam”

Watch as Jimmy Fallon and Bruce Springsteen perform a special tribute to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s traffic jam.

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My new favorite blog: Bob Braun’s Ledger

My favorite new blog? Bob Braun’s Ledger. Though it deals with issues of importance in New Jersey, it’s well-written and definitely worth a read, as shown in this entry about newly-reelected Republican Gov. Chris Christie. Chris Christie is a dangerous man. But, gee whiz, guys and gals, wouldn’t it just…

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Let the 2016 horse race begin!

Even though the 2012 election has just wrapped up, the pollsters at Public Policy Polling have already starting polling the 2016 presidential race. Regardless, the poll found two clear frontrunners in the race: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for the Republicans and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the Democrats….

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Chris Christie refused invitation to appear at Romney campaign rally

Ouch bro, that’s gonna leave a mark. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who was effusive in his praise of President Barack Obama when the two leaders toured damage from Hurricane Sandy last week, turned down a request by Mitt Romney to appear with him at a rally on Sunday night…

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Chris Christie as Mitt Romney’s first choice for VP?

This is a fascinating read… The strong internal push for Christie, and Romney’s initial instinct to pick him as his running mate, reflects how conflicted the nominee remained about choosing a running mate until the very end of the process. At least on the surface, Christie and Paul Ryan are…

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When is “storm relief” not “storm relief?” When Mitt Romney’s involved!

As I asked in the title of this entry, when is “storm relief” not “storm relief?” The answer is simple…when Mitt Romney’s involved! On Monday Romney’s campaign announced Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would focus their efforts Tuesday on helping people affected by the wrath of Hurricane Sandy, earning the…

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The Liars’ Club

Chris Christie bought a plane ticket and came to Wisconsin to stump for Scott Walker.  Walker welcomed him with (wide) open arms.  But let’s not forget that Governor Christie has the same problem with basic honesty that Scott Walker has. Mr. Christie, a Republican who took office in January 2010,…

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Govs. Walker and Christie to appear at business owned by Tim Russell theft victim

Tomorrow Republican Gov. Scott Walker (pictured, left), who never met an out of state supporter he didn’t welcome with open arms, will appear at the Oak Creek headquarters of landscaping company KEI with New Jersey Gov. (and Grade-A blowhard) Chris Christie. The joint appearance at KEI by Govs. Walker and…

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BREAKING NEWS: Austerity Policies Create Austerity Surprise, surprise, surprise!  Nobody could have predicted! When you introduce austerity programs, the economy slows down! Typically, government spending rises when the economy turns down. That’s because the cost of safety net programs, such as unemployment insurance, go up. And sometimes governments deliberately boost spending to stimulate the economy….

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Wisconsin’s Public Integrity Scorecard: C-

Wisconsin ranks 22nd out of 50 states in terms of public integrity.  If it weren’t for the formation of the GAB, we would have done much worse, according to a report from The State Integrity Investigation.  The investigation revealed that corruption is a huge risk for state governments.  The creation…

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