Words of Wisdom

Over the weekend, two of the most knowledgeable people on our economy spoke up and neither were very kind to Paul Ryan (R – Wall St). The first is Nobel laureate economist and Columbia University professor Joseph Stiglitz: “Democracies can withstand cuts without seeing light at the end of the…

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paul ryan’s resume

H/T Roger Bybee, for his column exposing paul ryan\'s class war! While he breaks down the ridiculousness of the whole class warfare issue hat is running through the echo chamber, what he really digs into is paul ryans resume. The whole column is worth a read, but here are some…

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The Paul Ryan All Stars

Paul Ryan is battling Scott Walker for who can get in front a camera quicker. Unfortunately, while he is all over the news, the news has not been all over him. They have even called him “courageous”. Let’s take a look at a few people who have actually pointed out…

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Ron Johnson & elected Republicans actually support increasing the federal budget deficit!

Nationally, Republicans are trying to portray themselves as deficit hawks concerned about the deficit spending of President Obama and elected Democrats, who are trying to pull the country out of a deep recession. At the same time, those same “deficit hawk” Republicans are calling for an extension of the George…

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