Paul Ryan Smackdown!

My favorite economist, Dean Baker, is out with a critique of Paul Ryan's (R- Wall St.) budget. I recommend the whole read, but here are some highlights! House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan did a great public service when he released his budget last week. By throwing a piece of…

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Economics Experts

With politicians and talking heads the only ones involved in the debate on fixing the economy, they tend to drown out the real experts. Here are a couple of articles from some real experts! The first from Laura D’Andrea Tyson, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who discusses…

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Evidence – Based Economics

The topic of the week here was economics, where Zach asked if we need another stimulus or if spending cuts are enough. Economist Dean Baker recently weighed in on this topic with a not so kind to President Obama essay, where he points out that exactly what we need is…

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The Paul Ryan All Stars

Paul Ryan is battling Scott Walker for who can get in front a camera quicker. Unfortunately, while he is all over the news, the news has not been all over him. They have even called him “courageous”. Let’s take a look at a few people who have actually pointed out…

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Yesterday President Obama called for a $50 Billion dollar investment in America! Channeling the ghost of F.D.R., and called for a sorely needed, \"fundamental overhaul\" of our nations infrastructure. So we’re already paying for our failure to act. And what’s more, the longer our infrastructure erodes, the deeper our competitive…

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More fun with Paul Ryan:

I have been sitting on this for a while because it did not get much press at the time. Krugman’s rebuke of Ryan, has been written about extensively. Ryan (R- Wall St), for some reason cant seem to get enough press(presidential ambitions maybe?). He also is not very good at…

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