Some good news on a Friday!

George Bush always seemed disinterested in politicing, government, campaigning, etc… This weekend he will confirm that as reported by Sam Stein in the Huffington Post: I don’t want to go out and campaign for candidates. I don’t want to be viewed as a perpetual money-raiser. I don’t want to be…

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Kickin it Old School

Every once in a while, I come across a column that is so well done I feel the need to share. In the NY Times, Bob Herbert, was spinning old Republican quotes, the way K-tel, spins classic rock. “We’re the only nation in the world,” Phil Gramm once said, “where…

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The Scooter Story…

It is interesting that while George Bush is on A Book tour to restore his legacy. In the meantime there is also a movie opening that has a different view of his legacy. Fair Game, is a movie about the Valerie Plame affair, based on the books by both Valerie…

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The “liberal” media…

Recently, to no one’s surprise, Ken Mehlmann, the former Bush-Cheney campaign manager and head of the republican party, came out as gay. While the story is not that a gay man, helped the bush-cheney campaign run a bigoted anti-gay campaign in order to win election, that story has been played…

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best wishes for a speedy recovery….

I am wishing best wishes for a speedy recovery to the Dark Lord Dick Cheney….I hope his taxpayer funded heart surgery went very well and he can get back out on the trail fighting to make sure noone else gets the same benefit of great care and life that he…

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Cheney supports repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” former Vice President Dick Cheney came out in favor of repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, which prohibits gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. Cheney said the support of military leaders in favor of repealing the policy had convinced him…

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And now a message from Dick Cheney

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Dick Cheney’s selective memory

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Cheney for president?

Yesterday I wrote about the possibility of former CNN host Lou Dobbs running for president in 2012, and today comes news a group of conservatives are trying to draft former Vice President Dick Cheney to run for president in 2012: The organization – “Draft Dick Cheney 2012” – launched on…

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Cheney on gay marriage: “Freedom for everyone”

In what’s sure to send some conservatives into a tizzy, former Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday he supports gays being able to marry but believes states, not the federal government, should make the decision: “I think, you know, freedom means freedom for everyone,” Cheney said in a speech at…

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