Tag: DNC
DNC Announces Framework for the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary Debates
From our friend, Jason Rae, Secretary of the Democratic National Committee: Washington, D.C. — Since his campaign for chair of the Democratic National Committee, DNC Chair Tom Perez has promised to conduct a presidential primary process that is transparent, fair, inclusive, and puts the party in the best possible position…
Updates from the DNC Meeting in Las Vegas
Dear Wisconsin Democrats, I wanted to share with you an update on the recent DNC meeting we held in Las Vegas. I believe it is important to be as transparent as we can as a party about how we operate. I’m proud of the new DNC and the things we…
So Where Are the Democratic National Committee Candidates?
Wisconsin has an open seat on the Democratic National Committee. The next member will be elected at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin state convention this weekend. My understanding is there are 5 candidates. Count them 5! And I had to ask to find that out. And I’ll admit to not…
Wisconsin’s Jason Rae Elected DNC Secretary
My friend Jason Rae has been elected the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee. Congratulations Jason! He was originally elected to represent Wisconsin on the DNC at the tender age of 17. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel covers his rise in the DNC and his backstory here in Wisconsin : Determination…
Trump Shrugs Over Russian Hacking Accusations
President-elect Donald Trump continues to pooh pooh the accusations against Russia for hacking the Democratic National Committee and prominent American politicians and elected officials: “It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things,” Trump said in a statement. “Nevertheless, in the interest of our country and…
A Tale of Two Petitions
During the first three weeks of March, democratic party primary elections in Massachusetts and Arizona have generated a pair of online petitions that reflect the degree to which Bernie Sanders supporters feel that the game is rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton. The first is a Change.org petition calling for…
Tulsi Gabbard Takes Charge
Yesterday, US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) announced that she’s resigning from the DNC and supporting Bernie Sanders for president. Her statement in the video below is powerful. Given that she’s only 34 years old, I’d say we’re maybe looking at a future president of the United State of America.
Tammy Baldwin’s Speech to the 2012 Democratic National Convention (Video)
Tammy Baldwin’s speech was short and sweet (and delivered a bit earlier than originally scheduled) but powerful, nevertheless. Here’s my favorite line: “Republicans want to write discrimination into our Constitution. But the Wisconsin I know believes that with each passing year and each generation, our country must become more equal –…
DNC schedule change: Tammy Baldwin to speak at 5:30pm CT on Thursday
Per Baldwin campaign staffers, there’s been a schedule change at the DNC. Tammy Baldwin was previously scheduled to speak at 7pm CT; she has been moved up to about 5:30pm CT. You can watch her speech live here. Go, Tammy Baldwin, go!
A question for our liberal readers
So the 2012 Democratic National Convention is officially underway, and I’ve got a question for those of you who happen to be liberals/progressives/Democrats/whatever you want to call yourselves: Are any of you as disillusioned/dissatisfied with the Democratic Party (either here in Wisconsin or nationally) as I am? Don’t mistake my…
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