Why the Shooting of Steve Scalise Says We Need Stricter Gun Control

The tragic mass shooting of Republican members of Congress does indicate the need for stricter control of guns, particularly guns like those so typically used in these attacks. Several pundits and a GOP candidate for office have trotted out the tenet that more armed citizenry would prevent events like his….

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Now, About That Gun

On August 13th, after a short foot chase, a young Milwaukee resident turned to face a Milwaukee police officer. The police officer said the suspect was holding a hand gun. The officer shot and killed the suspect. A hand gun was recovered at the scene. This recovered weapon was reportedly…

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Gun Death Suicides In Large Cities By Ideology

OK…I ‘pulled the trigger’ too soon on the Crowpac graphics. The slide show is worth working through…but this one is a bit scary for the locals…Look over to the right: Or this one… While this data adds further complexity to the debate on guns, it should also shape the debate…

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Gun Deaths by State Ideology

This was published by Crowpac back in January but I hadn’t seen it before today. Posted without additional comment: This is the original chart we published detailing gun deaths per capita. Information on gun-related deaths (which encompasses homicides, suicides and accidental deaths resulting from a firearm discharge) is sourced from…

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I’m not afraid of black kids with guns. I’m afraid of white Rambo wannabes with guns.

Or, an open letter to Rep. Bob Gannon Dear Jerkface, In an eerie bit of coincidence, I was at a mall here in the Milwaukee area last Saturday at the same time when, at East Towne Mall in Madison, there was a shooting. In the same way, I was teaching…

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‘I’ve had enough,’ says Oak Creek mayor after San Bernardino killings

This is an Op Ed piece from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel by Oak Creek Mayor Stephen Scaffidi. I am printing it in it’s entirety but here is the link to it on JSOnline. Hopefully they won’t mind but this is too important to not post (so please click the link…

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Honduras Arrests Five Syrians Headed To US

Five Syrians were arrested in Honduras Tuesday travelling on stolen Greek passports and reportedly trying to reach the United States. At this point it is unknown why they were trying to reach the US and why they had taken such a circuitous route to get here: They had traveled by…

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It’s Time for Gunmorial Day: A Modest Proposal

Hello, America. Your humble folkbum here with a modest proposal. Every year, we honor those who gave their lives in service to the United States and her Constitution with Memorial Day, a day to pause and reflect what it means to be able to live your life in freedom today…

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Gun Automatically Shot Victim

This should shoot holes (pun intended) in the meme that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. A police chief’s wife was supposedly shot by his gun and not his chiefness in their bedroom on New Years: Police Chief William McCollom’s wife, who was shot and critically injured in a…

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Rep. Ryan Thinks Gun Violence is Only in the Inner City?

This whole exchange is just a little weird…but gun violence isn’t only in the inner city (and to our shame, the gun violence that does exist in our inner cities is being overlooked). Several headline news events involving have been in shopping malls, suburban movie theaters, a Sikh temple and…

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