At the heart of income inequality….is Goodwill

Did you know that Goodwill is one of Milwaukee’s fastest growing retailers? The metro Milwaukee area supports 15 stores and there are two more set to open soon. Goodwill of SE WI has increased revenues 90% since 2009 to $127 million in 2014. They have numbers that any retail establishment…

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Like Neo in his tank, it’s time to WAKE UP

In The Matrix, Neo (Keanu Reeves) discovers that the world he thought he was living in was merely an illusion, a computer-generated program designed to keep him docile and to be, in effect, a D-Cell battery.  I’ve long held that The Matrix is a brilliant example of political cinema.  The use of…

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Because Unions are the Problem…

They are an obstacle to freedom… if you measure freedom by greater inequality.

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Nick Hanauer’s Infamous TED Talk on Inequality

Rich people don’t create jobs… Only consumers can create jobs.  A must watch!

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5 Steps to a Fairer Tax System

Fair is not always simple, but we can go a long way to improving the tax code.  Economist Jaren Bernstein has five strategies to improve fairness in the current system. 1)      Progressive: those with more income pay a larger share of it in taxes; 2)      One that doesn’t exacerbate inequality…

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Tracking the Decay

A simply powerful and powerfully simple chart showing the tight correlation between the anti-union movement (really the anti-worker movement) and the decline of income share of middle-class Americans.

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On the Hardening of American Income Mobility

Mitt Romney is a big talker.  He loves to talk about America as a “land of opportunity.”  The trouble is, the data don’t support that anymore.  Oh, they used to.  Back in the 1950s and 1960s, it could be said that each generation would did economically better than every previous…

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While average net worth of American families regresses, Congresscritters double their average net worth

This just about sums up everything that’s wrong with our current group of elected officials, not to mention our political system in general… Between 1984 and 2009, the median net worth of a member of the House more than doubled, according to the analysis of financial disclosures, from $280,000 to…

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2nd Century Roman Empire Slightly Less Unequal than the 21st Century United States

In a remarkable piece of scholarship, two historians estimate the income inequality in 2nd century Rome and find that our society is a little bit more unequal that Rome at the height of the empire.

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Inequality and Immobility: The Gateway to Feudalism

A lot has been written recently about the growth of income inequality in America.  A CBO report and even a cover story on Foreign Affairs entitled The Broken Contract explore the extent to which income inequality has grown over the last 30 years.  But now comes a study from the Federal…

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