Rep. Steve King Defends Not Allowing Rape and Incest Exceptions.

I was working on another post when this popped up in my news feed: U.S. Rep. Steve King: If not for rape and incest, ‘would there be any population left?‘ You really can’t make this stuff up! Jeez: Rep. Steve King told an Iowa crowd Wednesday that humanity might not exist…

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Federal Court Blocks WI Gerrymandered Districts But Now What?

Some transitory good news came out yesterday when a federal court voted 2 -1 to block the gerrymandered Wisconsin legislative districts. Here is a synopsis: A dozen voters sued in July 2015, arguing the maps unconstitutionally discriminated against Democrats by diluting their voting power. They called it the worst example…

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Iowa grants permits for the blind to acquire & carry firearms in public

According to a report by WTSP, officials in Iowa have started granting permits to allow individuals who are legally or completely blind to acquire and/or carry guns in public. Here’s some news that has law enforcement officials and lawmakers scratching their heads: Iowa is granting permits to acquire or carry…

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Hey Governor Walker, Wisconsin Isn’t A Best State For Business!

I am highly dubious of the various Forbes Best of lists…they seem contrived and simply audience building exercises…not real news topics. But in their latest Best States For Business…while our neighbors Minnesota, Iowa and Indiana are all in the top 25 states listed…Wisconsin is nowhere to be found. Just sayin’!

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Wisconsin could learn a thing or two from Iowa when it comes to redistricting

Last week Joe did a great job of breaking down the Republican Party’s 27-seat structural edge in State Assembly seats. The structural edge Republicans gave themselves in Assembly seats was made even more clear by the fact that despite the fact that Wisconsin’s Democratic Assembly candidates won 193,000 more votes…

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Newt went to Sean Duffy’s School of Finance

We all remember that earlier in the year, Sean Duffy complained to his constituents that he can't make ends meet at only $174,000 a year salary. You might also remember that Sean Duffy had Newt Gingrich come to Wisconsin and do a fundraiser for him. It turns out that they…

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Iowa Nice [NSFW]

This is funny, but not necessarily safe for work…

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Heaven Help Us…..

I have written before about anti-intellectualism and nothing i can write can speak to it better than this little 3 minute clip from the Hannity show. I am not even going to editorialize it, this speaks for itself:

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Cancel your plans for Wednesday….

The republican nanny staters are at it again. This time the GOP party of our Iowan friends have in their platform, a NO -activities on Wednesday nights clause. They do not go into details explaining what constitutes an activity or why Wednesday night(although they laterresponded it had to do with…

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