President Manchin

Joe Manchin has clearly decided he’s the actual President of the United States. He can’t get behind Biden’s two trillion dollar infrastructure package (American Jobs Plan) because raising the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% is just a bridge too far ( pun intended). He can’t get behind a…

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What’s the Democrats’ plan to raise the national minimum wage?

So now that the Senate Democrats’ plan to include a $15 minimum wage in a COVID-19 relief bill has gone down in flames what’s their Plan B? Democrats’ $15 minimum wage increase isn’t going to survive the Senate. And they don’t have a Plan B yet. The Senate parliamentarian’s decision…

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Seizing the Moment: An Open Letter to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin

Dear DPW, A quick perusal of your website suggests that defeating Ron Johnson in 2022 is one of your top priorities, and I wholeheartedly agree. In fact, I recently penned a post on this Blog regarding the matter, urging Aaron Rodgers to run against Johnson. #RoJo Gotta Go # NoMoRoJo,…

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Manchin and Sinema Muck Up the Works. With Help From Joe Biden

Dem Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona just can’t bring themselves to support paying Americans a living wage of $15 an hour. It’s just too much for them. It’s a bridge too far, it’s beyond the pale, a red line in the sand that they…

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