Whither MKE Cnty: Just Keeping Up to Date:

I’ll probably have some more on these things a bit later but just to keep you up to date: Freshman County Supervisor Deanne Alexander would like to introduce a bill to have the state audit the workings of the Milwaukee County Board and County Executives office to look for inefficiencies…

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Whither MKE Cnty: There Ain’t No Checks and Balances in County Government?

There have been a number of blog posts and comments over the past month about ‘checks and balances’ in county government over the past month. In the column denying such considerations is a very elegant blog from our friend Dan Cody. But just because county government lacks the formal constructs…

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Whither MKE Cnty: County government reform is Sheldon Lubar’s passion?

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel recently ran a piece titled, ‘County government reform is Sheldon Lubar’s passion‘. Now the odd thing was the discussion about Mr. Lubar’s interest in reforming county government occurs pretty much in just 25% of the article…the remaining 75% apparently was needed to extol his bona fides…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Sups. Taylor and Borkowski Make Their Move

Posted today on the Bay View Compass: An Open Letter to the Residents of Milwaukee County: A PROPOSAL TO DOWNSIZE COUNTY BOARD AND STAFF Dear Friends: There are some people who call politics a sport or even a game, and, just like in football, there are many Monday morning quarterbacks….

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Whither MKE Cnty: Who Is The Defensive Captain At The County Board?

One of the things that has surprised me about Representative Sanfelippo’s and County Executive Abele’s attack on the status of the Milwaukee County Board, has been the almost total blackout on comments from current board members. Other than a few comments or memos from County Board Chair Marina Dimitrijevic, it’s…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Do We Need An Elected County Executive?

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele has been a very vocal critic of the current Milwaukee County Board. And if he’s not one of the major instigators of the movement to declaw the board he is certainly an ardent supporter. One of his recurring themes has been the fact that for…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Los Angeles County

Every time anyone from Wisconsin, whether from the left or right, wants to throw an orange to upset the apple cart that is Milwaukee County, they mention that Los Angeles County has only five county supervisors…but that’s as far as it goes. So, let’s see how Los Angeles County governance…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Milwaukee County Board to the Rescue

The War Memorial Board and the Milwaukee Art Museum have been negotiating control over and responsibility for repairs to the 1957 Eero Saarinen designed Memorial Center and the 1972 Kahler addition for over a year. Although an agreement seemed to be within reach near the end of last year, negotiations…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Sup Alexander Suggests Dropping Employee Healthcare

In an incredibly callous proposal, freshman County Supervisor Deanna Alexander called for a study by the county to review dropping health care coverage for the 4,400 current county employees and simply paying the federal fine of $2,000 per employee under the Affordable Care Act. She is suggesting that the county…

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Whither MKE County: County Government Displays Its Dysfunction Once Again!

The latest round of dysfunction in Milwaukee County government is the brouhaha started by first term County Supervisor Deanna Alexander. As reported by MJS’ Daniel Bice in a recent No Quarter article, Sup. Alexander accused the other board members of intentionally preventing her from doing her job. Specifically that board…

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