He would love to hear from you!

Once Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi issued a temporary restraining order against Scott Walkers union-busting bill. Attorney General JB Van Hollen, worked with lightning speed to file an appeal(If only he had moved so fast when his good friend was preying on women). As part of JB’s appeal: The “Petition…

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Hassett campaign releases TV ad

The campaign of Democrat Scott Hassett, who’s challenging incumbent Republican J.B. Van Hollen in the Wisconsin Attorney General race, has a new TV ad out attacking Van Hollen for his lack of action in dealing with Ken Kratz, the Calumet County District Attorney who sent harassing, sexual text messages to…

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Scott Hassett’s taking it to J.B. Van Hollen

Democrat Scott Hassett, who’s running for Attorney General against Republican J.B. Van Hollen, isn’t shying away from leveling accusing Van Hollen of blaming the victim in the case of Ken Kratz, the “sexting” D.A. As illusory tenant notes, the upcoming debate between Hassett and Van Hollen is shaping up to…

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More on Ken Kratz

I was recently amdonished by a friend of mine, for bringing up that DA Ken Kratz was as defined by the right wing cheddarsphere as “the clear conservative choice”. She told me this was not a partisan issue and it was not fair to bring that up. I agreed and…

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Topic of the Week: “sexting” DA Ken Kratz

It’s being reported Calumet County District Attorney Ken Kratz, who sent inappropriate and sexually suggestive text messages to the victim in a domestic violence case he was prosecuting, will not resign his position. Kratz has said he sought therapy after sending the messages and will be seeking more therapy, but…

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Keep your eyes on “the prize”

Zach mentioned this in his Friday morning links, and also pointed out that Boots and Sabers also has the story, and as Zach points out there was nary a mention anywhere that Ken Kratz was a Republican, who had toyed with the idea of running for congress. Now a little…

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