The Democratic challenger that Scott Walker should be afraid of?

Over at The Apollo Report, Aaron Camp opines that the one Democratic challenger incumbent Gov. Scott Walker should be afraid of is Lori Compas. Her name is Lori Compas. She’s a wife, a mother of two, a small business owner, the executive director of a progressive business organization, and a…

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Lori Compas to launch Wisconsin Business Alliance on 9/27

Lori Compas is known to many as the woman who had the courage to take on Republican incumbent Scott Fitzgerald in Wisconsin Senate District 13. But before Compas became a grassroots hero, she was (and still is) a small business owner. On Thursday, 9/27/12, she will combine her passion for progressive…

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Vagina, vagina, vagina!

There. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, This is absolutely appalling. Now, let’s talk about what really happened in the Michigan Legislature when Majority Floor Leader Jim Stamas, R-Midland, silenced two female legislators because he and other GOP members didn’t like their frank language the day before….

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Do Democrats in the legislature need to deepen their bench?

From Playground Politics: Democrats need to spend more time cultivating future leaders in the legislature and less time turning the place over to retreads like Peter Barca, Fred Kessler, Jim Holperin, and Tim Cullen. Now Joe Wineke may well be on his way back, which would be a huge benefit…

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Recall Memo: June 5: Endorsements

And it goes without saying…but I am saying it anyway! Tom Barrett for Governor Mahlon Mitchell for Lieutenant Governor State Senate District 13: Lori Compas State Senate District 21: John Lehman State Senate District 23: Kristen Dexter State Senate District 29: Donna Seidel

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Mother Jones: The Most Important Wisconsin Recall Candidate You’ve Never Heard Of

Yeah, Lori Compas is a rock star… But before all that, eighteen months ago, Compas, 41, admits she was politically oblivious working mom who didn’t know her own state senator’s name. Today? She’s raised $200,000 for her campaign to oust that same state senator. Her commercials run on local TV….

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The Compas/Fitzgerald debate: An unfortunate illustration of Wisconsin politics

By all accounts, Lori Compas exceeded expectations at Wednesday night’s debate with Senator Scott Fitzgerald. She had the support of roughly 3/4 of the crowd packed into the Jefferson High School auditorium, and she more than held her own. “I think it went amazingly well,” said Compas’ husband aka The…

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Capital Times endorses Lori Compas for Senate

The Capital Times has just endorsed Lori Compas for Wisconsin Senate over Republican incumbent Scott Fitzgerald. The endorsement is eloquently written and deserves to be read in its entirety (click here) but here are a few snippets from the editorial: Compas would serve as a citizen-legislator. She is no careerist. She wants…

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Lori Compas launches “Vote Your Values Tour” [Updated-new debate venue]

Lori Compas kicks off her “Vote Your Values Tour” this weekend! Here is Compas’ statement about the event: As I meet people around the district, I’m impressed by the respectful conversations we can have when we step away from the political ads and simply talk to each other. No matter…

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Breaking News: Scott Fitzgerald to debate Lori Compas (not her husband) [Updated 5/18-new venue]

According to a Compas campaign staffer, Scott Fitzgerald has just accepted the challenge to debate Lori Compas. This event is open to the public. Details: Date: May 23rd Time: 7:00 pm Location: Fort Community Credit Union, 100 W. Main Street (3rd floor), Jefferson Senior High School Auditorium, Jefferson, Wisconsin. Additional info,…

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