Reprise: Rep. Gwen Moore Needs To Retire

Since I am on most of the state and local Democratic mailings lists, it should come as no surprise that this past week I got an invite to a ‘birthday party’ fundraiser for US Representative Gwen Moore. I have addressed this issue before, in November of 2020 in fact, when…

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So Just How Conservative Is Milwaukee Mayoral Candidate Bob Donovan?

Conservative. This has always been an adjective added to former Milwaukee Alderman Bob Donovan’s name in any media discussing his time on the Common Council or his attempts to run for Mayor of Milwaukee. And now with no incumbent in the race to replace former Mayor Tom Barrett, Bob Donovan…

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MKE Common Council: In recognition of unions on Labor Day

Eight out of Fifteen? Really?? Happy Labor Day!! From our email: Statement from members of the Milwaukee Common Council – Alderman Cavalier Johnson, Alderman Scott Spiker, Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderman José G. Pérez, Alderman Robert J. Bauman, Alderwoman Nikiya Dodd, Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic and Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa As we…

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MKE Common Council On New Executive Director for the Fire and Police Commission

I have been working on an article about the hot mess that is the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission for two months now but every time I get into it some new shit happens. Tonight there will be a showdown around the police chief…but in the meantime the Common Council…

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MKE Common Council Meeting On Trump’s Goon Squad

From the inbox this afternoon: Special Public Safety and Health Committee meeting set for Monday, July 27 Agenda to include communication about federal intervention in Milwaukee Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic, chair of the Public Safety and Health Committee, has called a special committee meeting that will take place Monday, July 27…

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MKE Cares: Ordinance would require mask wearing in public spaces

From today’s email: Public Safety and Health Committee to take up legislation on Thursday (7/2) Statement of Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic. June 30, 2020 It is time for the City of Milwaukee to take the important step of implementing a citywide face mask mandate for public spaces, and this week I…

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Message from Ald. Marina Dimitrijevic On Public Safety

This popped up in my emailbox today and concerns public safety issues in the City of Milwaukee around the protests against police brutality: The events of the last couple weeks, and months, have been challenging. I recognize the protests that have been occuring are in response to a pandemic. Not…

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MKE Common Council Release on Safer At Home Status

from this morning ‘s email: Our city has been hurt by COVID-19 disproportionately compared to other areas across the state. As such, we must continue our previously issued “Safer-at-Home” order to protect our most vulnerable residents, particularly our African American and Latino communities that have experienced devastating loss of life….

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Endorsement: Marina Dimitrijevic, Milwaukee Alderwoman in the 14th District!

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Sen. Chris Larson All In For MKE County Executive Race

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting that State Senator Chris Larson (D – Milwaukee) is running for Milwaukee County Executive. This will be Sen. Larson’s second attempt having lost to incumbent Chris Abele in 2016. County Executive Abele is not running for re-election in 2020. State Sen. Chris Larson on…

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