Fear the Beer? Is this an appropriate slogan?

Don’t read too much into this. It’s late and I am a bit snarky at the moment. And this is a clever riff on the Milwaukee Bucks Fear the Deer slogan. But given the whole nasty environment out of Washington from the Judge Brett Kavanaugh hearings, is this really the…

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The Hypocrisy In Annual Salaries:

Mylan Pharmaceuticals CEO Heather Bresch defended her company’s pricing of its popular EpiPen during a hearing before a U.S. House Committee today. Beyond the apparent price gouging involved, her annual salary which increased 67 percent to $18.9 million in 2015 was called into question. Hold that thought! Meanwhile across the…

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So about that Bucks arena vote…

Earlier today the State Assembly passed the $250 million bill providing taxpayer funding for half the cost of a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks. The Assembly vote was 52-34, with bipartisan support (and bipartisan opposition) to the bill. Here’s a breakdown of how Milwaukee’s Democratic Assembly delegation voted on…

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Why a fancy new entertainment district around the Milwaukee Bucks’ taxpayer-funded stadium may fail

Earlier this week I highlighted comedian John Oliver’s takedown of the racket that is publicly financed sports stadiums, and yesterday Bruce Murphy of Urban Milwaukee outlined why a fancy entertainment district around the new Bucks arena may end up failing. The bad news is that all of this development is…

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Milwaukee Bucks owner Wes Edens buys his third company in a week, still wants government handout to build Bucks arena

But remember, Milwaukee Bucks owner Wes Edens needs a government handout in order to build a fancy new arena to keep the Bucks in Milwaukee. Wes Edens wants to be the newest subprime scion. Edens — founder of Fortress Investment Group and owner of the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks — made…

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Kiss The Milwaukee Admirals Good Bye!

Today this headline seems a tad over the top but when I started thinking about this post on Friday…it seemed very very appropriate. After two weeks of reading arena finance articles and trying to put together a relevant post, I realized that nothing was ever being said about the Milwaukee…

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Chris Abele’s risky bet with Milwaukee County’s state aid

There’s been a lot written about the deal to fund a shiny new basketball arena in Milwaukee so the billionaire owners of the Milwaukee Bucks can increase the value of their investment, but as a new report by Dan Bice of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel notes, one of the funding…

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Where Is The Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce On The New Bucks Arena?

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has been updating their article on the budget hearing at Alverno University today…so the snippet I saw this morning about Tim Sheehy’s, President of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, testimony in favor of the state’s $220 million bond issue to pay for part of a…

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Are New Bucks Owners Actually Putting Up Their Own Money

Recently the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published an article about financing arrangements that are available through the National Basketball Association. And although the Bucks were quoted in the article saying they might use the credit facility to expand business opportunities around the new arena…some of the writing seemed to indicate that…

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Five Reasons A New Bucks Arena Isn’t Economically Important:

One of the debate points around building a new Bucks arena in downtown Milwaukee is the additional development that will occur in the general vicinity of the new arena. This despite no evidence that there was any significant development around the Bradley Center after it was built. It’s pretty much…

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