Where Is The Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce On The New Bucks Arena?

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has been updating their article on the budget hearing at Alverno University today…so the snippet I saw this morning about Tim Sheehy’s, President of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, testimony in favor of the state’s $220 million bond issue to pay for part of a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks was removed.

Since I can’t cut and paste it in nor link to the actual article with the information, I’ll paraphrase it briefly.

Mr. Sheehy was in total support of building the new arena and making sure that we retain the Milwaukee Bucks…saying it was an important asset for the City of Milwaukee.

Well, that being said, where is the MMAC with their checkbooks? If it’s such a important source of revenue and economic growth in the region…aren’t the businesses and business leaders the guys that should be picking up the balance of the tab? Instead of the general tax payers?

Mr. Sheehy, I suggest that you and your organization actually put your money where your mouth is!


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2 thoughts on “Where Is The Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce On The New Bucks Arena?

  1. it is not 220 million it is 380 million with interest and there is not snowballs chance in hell of this passing when we are cutting school funds. Will any dems vote for it?? What are the city of Milwaukee and the county going to put in?


    1. Learn to read…it’s a $220 million bond ISSUE. We all know that borrowing money results in interest charges.

      I expect that something will pass is Madison, just maybe not the governor’s original proposal, although there is no reason that the state should support this.

      The City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County should be involved at the level of governmental responsibility, providing the basic infrastructure to allow the arena to be built. No more, no less.

      It’s time for the businesses that want this to pony up the money. It’s time for those job creator buddies of yours to spend their money and create the jobs.

      There is no reason that the average citizen should pay for a private business via lost tax revenues.

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