The Real Message: OCCUPY is working!

According to the ultimate republican message man, and Scott Walker\'s close adviser, Frank Luntz. H/T Think Progress Speaking to Rupert Murdoch\'s favorite charity, the republican Governor’s Association, Luntz let it be known that OCCUPY is having an effect on the people of America. Luntz told attendees that he’s “scared of…

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JoePa was “Too Big to Fail”

There’s the lesson I take from the Penn State child sex abuse scandal, a scandal that will be roiling for weeks and months and years into the future.  I take that title from words in Jonathan Zimmerman’s column in the Philadelphia Daily News.  Sure, Zimmerman is talking of our obsession…

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Moyers on OWS

Its 20 minutes, but its a brilliant 20 minutes!

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Compare/Contrast – Politician Edition

Exhibit A: We have posted this video numerous times before but here it is again: A constituent is upset with Congressman Ryan and voices his complaint. The Imperial Guard(that we pay for with our tax dollars)was all over it, and leaped into action protecting the Boy King from having to…

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OCCUPY was a year too late

The whole #OWS Occupy Movement while important, seems to have happened a year to late. In 2010, the law firm of Steven J Baum, threw a Halloween party. What better way to show contempt for the American people than to dress like them for halloween? Before we get to the…

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Paul Ryan’s Latest Strategies

It seems Paul Ryan is de-emphasizing scaring America with his flawed class warfare plans to tax the middle class for Medicare in order to benefit the rich, at least a little.  Mr. Ryan’s plans aren’t changing, but his strategies are changing, just a bit, though the dishonesty and partisanship is still…

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