Quick Hit On Opening Schools This Fall

from Blogging Blue’s Twitter feed:

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H/T To Jake formerly of the LP For This Piece On Trump, Russia, And Wisconsin

This piece over at the Daily Kos was brought to my attention by one of our regular readers. It is a very thorough description of the Wisconsin connection to the Russia/Trump relationship during the 2016 election cycle. It’s well worth the read by one of our regular readers and commenters:…

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Paul Manafort Pleads Out and Rudy Giuliani Remains Delusional!

The biggest news this past week around the Mueller investigations is former Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort, accepting a plea bargain. He has agreed to cooperate with the Mueller probe, pled guilty to several charges from the Mueller probe, and insured a cap of ten years in prison when sentenced….

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a terrible situation that should be stopped before it continues to stain our country any further

The title is a paraphrase by the Washington Post from one of President Trump’s morning tweets. The president was referring to the Mueller probe, but may I suggest it should actually apply to the president’s tenure in the White House? As the Manafort corruption trial gets underway the president described…

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