FDA Advises Against Keepsake and Elective Fetal Ultrasounds

No one is really sure what the effects of ultrasounds are on fetal development. Although considered safe the FDA is now advising against keepsake and elective ultrasounds. So what is the State of Wisconsin’s liability if their forced ultrasounds convince a woman to give to a child but later congenital…

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Which Republican Governor Will Cause the Next Kent State?

I know Zach asks us to try to keep our embedded videos short and to the point…and this one runs 12 minutes. But I think it’s worth viewing…at least pay attention to the last few minutes of it. Here we have a protest at the Capitol in Virginia over their…

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Gov. Rick Perry’s Lust for Life

Now we all know that Gov. Perry is pro-life…goes without saying…but during the last Republican debate Rep. Michell Bachmann came out swinging about his attempted mandate for immunizing teen girls against HPV. Gov. Perry defended himself by saying: “At the end of the day, this was about trying to stop…

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Some people were silent…

Last night the first woman executed in the United States in five years was put to death in Virginia. More than 7,300 appeals to stop the execution — the first of a woman in Virginia since 1912 — had been made to the governor in a state second only to…

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