“Zelenskyy was all rumpled and not wearing a suit, very disrespectful.”

I am just gonna leave this here:

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And A Reply To President’s Unconstitutional Ploy Reprise?

From one of the sharpest tongued advertisers on the internet:

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Trump Said He Wasn’t Worried About The Coronavirus Reaching the White House? Boom, there it is!

Well, sorta…according to Breitbart (go figure) newly anointed White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is now in self-quarantine: Rep. Meadows was advised this weekend that he may have come in contact with the CPAC attendee who tested positive for COVID-19, now 12 days ago. Out of an abundance of…

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“Why is Doug Collins always yelling?”

Well…simply because that’s the Republican strategy to wear YOU down so you stop paying attention. If they yell loud enough and long enough, what they say about the circumstances of this impeachment inquiry will become truth. Their calculation is that by yelling about anything and everything, the American people will…

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Rep. Gaetz Thinks It Is Weird That Rudy is Currently in Ukraine

As I mentioned in a post yesterday, while the House is putting together articles of impeachment against his client, the President of the United States, Rudy Giuliani is running rogue in Ukraine. Giuliani met on Thursday with a KGB-trained member of Ukraine’s parliament to discuss a possible investigation into Hunter Biden, son…

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GOP Demands ‘Transparency’ in Impeachment Inquiry!

This sounds like a perfect situation to quote this adage: “Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it!” Although the Republican House stuntmen (and yes all of them are men) who stormed the impeachment hearings this week claim to need more transparency in how the inquiry is…

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Twelve Angry Men or the GOP Storms the Bastille?

Well thirteen actually. Apparently thirteen of the thirty Republicans who stormed the Bastille, er, the closed door impeachment inquiry room actually had front row tickets…in other words…they were on the committees involved. They could have just walked in at any time. But they decided to help break House protocol and…

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Republicans Behaving Badly: Impeachment Edition

Desperation is making itself felt loud and clear in the halls of the Capitol. Today a group of Republicans forced their way into an impeachment inquiry hearing room which resulted in a delay in the hearings. And of course President Trump was aware of the tactic and approved of it….

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