Pro-Life Party Won’t Make Accommodations For Injured Gov. Burgum At Debate?

For those of you who haven’t been following the extreme back benchers in the Republican 2024 Presidential nomination race, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum suffered a leg injury playing pickup basketball Tuesday night. He’s concerned that the injury will prevent him from participating in tonight’s GOP debate in Milwaukee because…

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The Picture Perfect Of White Supremacy Underlying the MAGA Cult

As a lefty, I couldn’t have come up with a better symbol if I tried. Not paying attention to what the former guy has been doing I hadn’t seen this before…until it popped up in social media this week. This image is from Trump’s April 9 2022 rally in Selma,…

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RNC Take Away: Four More Years?

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For Those Of You With Some Time Available: How To File A Hatch Act Complaint

Now that the party is over…those of you who question the use of federal property (i.e. The White House) for campaign events…may want to make your feelings known: OSC is also authorized to investigate violations of the Hatch Act. 5 U.S.C. § 1216 (a)(1)(2). If OSC charges an employee with…

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Trump 2020 Campaign Keeping It Classy!

from the email inbox this afternoon. (btw: the Russkies found the Blogging Blue email that I use to get the GOP stuff…how do I know? Email address ends in .ru and half the text was in Russian…I wonder how that happened.)

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