Rob Zerban to hold Town Hall Meeting in Waukesha County on 9/26

Rob Zerban, the Democrat taking on Paul Ryan in the 1st Congressional District, will hold a Town Hall Meeting tomorrow evening in Genesee Depot (Waukesha County). Zerban will talk about the Paul Ryan budget and take questions from the audience, according to campaign staff. Details: Event: Rob Zerban Town Hall Meeting…

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Paul Ryan is hard at work but his office isnt?

I understand that Rep. Ryan is busy running for Vice President and the House. But his office staff can’t handle the normal work flow through their office without him? All I can say is WTF? And the text from Yahoo: WASHINGTON—Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan is taking a break…

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Paul Ryan should debate Rob Zerban already

Paul Ryan has been so busy campaigning with Mitt Romney that he seems to have forgotten he’s also on the ballot in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District. His Democratic challenger,  Rob Zerban,  has been trying to get Paul Ryan to debate him,  to no avail. According to The Shepherd Express, Paul Ryan…

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While Paul Ryan furthers his national ambitions, Rob Zerban listens to voters (VIDEO)

By now you’ve no doubt heard that it’s been confirmed Republican Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional district has been chosen as Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate. However, Ryan having been chosen as Romney’s running mate brings up an interesting situation back in his Congressional district – he’ll…

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ACA is constitutional: the reactions

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve no doubt heard that earlier today the United States Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the vast majority of the provisions in thethe Affordable Care Act are constitutional, a decision that no doubt came as a surprise to many. Chief Justice John Roberts…

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Republican Congressman laughs as radio host suggests “pistol whipping” nuns

Listen as Republican Rep. Tom Latham of Iowa laughs along with a radio host who suggested he “pistol whip” nuns who are objecting to the Republicans’ draconian budget cuts. When the host said someone should “pull the Nuns on the Bus over and pistol whip them” Rep. Latham responded by…

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Zerban campaign submits 230% of required amount of nomination signatures

Earlier today small businessman Rob Zerban, the Democratic challenger to incumbent Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, submitted approximately 2,300 nomination signatures, a total that equates to nearly 230% of the required amount of signatures. Here’s what Zerban had to say upon submitting the signatures: “I’ve heard from people across the district…

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Blue America PAC “fixes” DCCC billboard in Paul Ryan’s district

Snark alert! PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release (Wednesday, May 2, 2012) CONTACT: Howie Klein email: Facebook: BLUE AMERICA “FIXES” DCCC’S BILLBOARD IN PAUL RYAN’S WI-01 DISTRICT, SAYS “NO NEED TO THANK US, WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER” Note: to see the graphics for this PR, go to…

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And The Ass-kicking Rolls On

Paul Ryan (R-Ayn’s Boudoir) continues to suffer some devastating body blows from the Catholic community over his granny-starving, child killing budget.  The latest avalanche of blows comes from 90 faculty members and priests at Georgetown University where Ryan is scheduled to speak this week: The letter says, “We would be remiss…

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Rob Zerban announces strong fundraising quarter

According to a press release issued by the campaign of Democratic Congressional candidate Rob Zerban, who’s challenging incumbent Republican Rep. Paul Ryan in the 1st Congressional district, the Zerban campaign raised $326,000 in the last fundraising quarter. From January 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012, the Zerban campaign raised $326,000,…

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