On March 30, 1981, John W Hinckley Jr. Shot President Ronald Reagan

If John Hinckley had had an AR-15 in 1981, President Reagan would have been dead at the scene and very likely a bloody mess…

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It Really Sucks When I Resort To Quoting Ronald Reagan…

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Federal Appeals Court Upholds Lower Court Ruling On Extended Absentee Ballot Rules

This is a little arcane! LOL!. But the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago allowed US District Judge William Conley’s ruling on absentee ballots in Wisconsin stand. I complained last week about Judge Conley’s late rulings on all of this…and this isn’t over yet despite it being just weeks…

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If there had been no Cuban Missile Crisis

President Ronald Reagan would never have spoken at the Berlin Wall Vladimir Putin would be the current premier of the Soviet Union President Donald Trump couldn’t run amok in the Ukraine So apparently Nikita Khrushchev interfered with out 2016 election

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And The New Cold War Started Today!

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed by then President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987. It banned land based intermediate missiles with ranges of 311 to 3,420 miles. Both nations already have missiles in this range that can be launched from air craft and naval vessels….

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So let’s talk about fisting….hey…keep it clean!

Last week someone on social media tried to troll my day by making a crack about using the blue ‘Stalin’ fist as part of our logo…LOL! Obviously the fist has a long history in labor and politics…and politics on both sides of the aisle. There was a video out last…

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The party of Reagan has turned the tables

From an article in the Arizona Republic about migrant and refugee families being reunited in Phoenix: A woman introduces herself as a staff member of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest and quickly tries to put the families at ease. “I want to assure you we are here to help…

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Day Late Thursday music: Christy Moore – Hey! Ronnie Reagan

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Good Guys With Guns?

Only one person fired a weapon that day:

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Walker Tone Deaf to Irony

Cleaning off my desktop…this probably should have been written while the governor was still vying for the GOP presidential nomination…but it still outlines his inability to see the bigger picture to what he is saying/doing. Of course safely back in Wisconsin where the media regularly give him a free pass…where…

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