Whither MKE County: Sanfelippo Bill on County Reform Passes Committee

After a rather lively debate, the state assembly Government Operations Committee approved Representative Sanfelippo’s Milwaukee county government reform bill (Assembly Bill 85) by a vote of 6 – 3. There is little surprise here and the bill will move to the assembly for a vote next Wednesday. Representative Steve Nass…

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Whither MKE County: So When Is $15,000 A Pittance And When Is It Extravagant?

Let’s start with a very basic factoid that I’ve brought up a time or two this year: $15,080 is minimum wage ($7.25) times 40 hours per week per 52 weeks. And just 60 days ago State Representative Joe Sanfelippo, before he finally introduced ‘his’ bill, was tossing around $15,000 as…

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OUR Milwaukee County: The Next Listening Sessions

If you want a say in how your county operates in the future…take the opportunity to have your voice heard and attend one of these listening sessions: Upcoming OUR Milwaukee Reform Plan Hearings: April 11th Hosted by Supervisor Borkowski, 6:30 p.m. – 9:00p.m. Greenfield High School 4800 S 60th St,…

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OUR Milwaukee County: Joe Sanfelippo Didn’t Write Assembly Bill 85

Certainly by now you have read any number of articles about the involvement of lobbyists in the development of Assembly Bill 85 ~ you know the one ~ the one that Representative Joe Sanfelippo introduced in Madison to reform Milwaukee County government. From Daniel Bice at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:…

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OUR Milwaukee County: Listening Session Hosted by Patricia Jursik

I was able to attend the OUR Milwaukee County listening session hosted by County Supervisor Patricia Jursik in South Milwaukee. Supervisor Jursik titled the event as Restructuring County Government. And I applaud her format for the event, far different and far more effective than the previous two sessions that I…

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Salary Comparison: Your County Supervisor vs. Don Smiley

Don’t you find it just a little bit weird that so many people are getting bent out of shape over a county supervisor, who is responsible for the well being of the county and needs to be responsive to 53,000 residents, making $50,000 per year, but Don Smiley, the purveyor…

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OUR Milwaukee County: Next Listening Session with Supervisor Jursik

Ask and yea shall receive. Almost as soon as I asked about the next listening sessions, County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic contacted me about the next listening session. County Supervisor Pat Jursik will be holding a listening session this Thursday, April 4th, in South Milwaukee. Here’s are the details from…

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OUR Milwaukee County: Where Are The Next Listening Sessions?

Here is an excerpt for the February 8th Milwaukee County Board press release announcing the OUR Milwaukee County initiative: “We are delivering on the promise of government reform discussion that is local and inclusive,” said Chairwoman Dimitrijevic. “We are eager to listen to our constituents – the people who live…

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Fast Trackin’ In The Legislature: AB 85 Equals SB 95

Just in case any body had missed Representative Joe Sanfelippo’s Assembly Bill 85 that she co-sponsored…State Senator Alberta Darling introduced the identical bill in the state senate as SB 95. These of course are the bills to ‘reform’ Milwaukee County government. btw: where are the jobs?

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AB 85: Look Out Dane County, They’re Coming to Get You!

There is some rather unique sections of the Wisconsin Constitution that are at play here in Assembly Bill 85 that was recently introduced by State Representative Joe Sanfelippo. I talked about them in an earlier post when this bill was just a talking point. Essentially Section 31 prevents the state…

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