Credit Bureaus Removing Medical Debt From Ratings…BUT Why Should They Have To?

Recently all of the major credit bureaus said that they were changing the way that they treat medical debt, both long term and short term, so that it will no longer be a drag on an individual credit rating. They realize that not being able to pay for expensive private…

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Counterpoint to Christian Schneider’s slam on universal single payer health care

For those of you in the Milwaukee area you are probably familiar with the twice weekly opinion columns that Christian Schneider writes for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Mr. Schneider is solidly of the conservative persuasion and effectively toes the company line…most of the time…he’s not a big fan of the…

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Where Is The Democrats Single Payer Option?

Back in 2009/2010, right or wrong, the Obama Administration decided that the nation wasn’t ready for a single payer health care insurance plan. So after a lot of internal hand wringing and self inflicted concessions we ended up with a Romney-care look alike called the Affordable Care Act. It was…

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Where Is The Return On Investment for Single Payer Health Care?

This JSOnline article talks about Governor Scott Walker’s desire to drug test certain Medicaid applicants before they can receive benefits. We’ll get back to that in another post…but the key data point that I wanted to bring up is Wisconsin currently has 1.2 million people on Medicaid. That population size…

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Solving The Issues With The Veteran’s Administration Medical Care

Since the major combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan started winding down, there have been repeated and unsolved issues with providing adequate and timely healthcare for our veterans. Despite repeated assurances and varied lip service out of Washington, things just don’t seem to be getting better. Even with new rules…

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One Reason The Affordable Care Act Is Here To Stay

Apparently 205,000+ Wisconsinites signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act during the recent open enrollment period…about 70,000 more enrollees than last year. The article about the increase in enrollment HERE! But what leads me to believe the ACA is here to stay? Well, because the insurance companies…

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Apparently his coverage left something to be desired?

Time for real health care reform…

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