Mike Pence To The Middle East?

Couldn’t we try thoughts and prayers first? But apparently President Trump is sending Vice President Mike Pence to the Middle East to solve the Turkish invasion of Syria and the Turkish genocide against the Kurdish population. Vice President Mike Pence says he’s being dispatched to the Middle East by President…

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Schumer and Pelosi Trying To Put Syrian Genie Back In Bottle?

This is just nuts too. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer want the president to reverse his decision to pull American troops out of Syria. It’s too damn late. Genie is out of the bottle. It’s a full scale shooting war now and you…

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Oh Goody, Economic Sanctions On Turkey

Real people are fucking dying. Innocent people are fucking dying. Former American allies are fucking dying because of something that President Donald Trump deliberately did knowing full well the consequences. So Donny Tariff pulls out his bucket of economic sanctions to punish the Turkish Miscreants. Targeting Turkey’s economy, President Donald…

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Turkey Shells American Forces In Syria

At what point do we start to realize that Trump really fucked this one up? How many Kurds have to die? And isn’t that really genocide cloaked in the ‘threat’ of terrorism? Will it take American deaths? And why are American troops still there? WTF? A contingent of U.S. Special…

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Mitch McConnell’s Reaction to Pulling Out of Syria.

Even silent Senate Majority Leaders Mitch McConnell isn’t buying the president’s decision to abandon our Kurdish allies in Syria: Mitch McConnell rebukes Donald Trump’s plan to pull US troops out of northern Syria. Though he and President Donald Trump often agree, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday he is against…

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Quick Hit: GOP Responses to US Pulling Out of Syria

There’s more out there…but you get the picture. But when will they actually take action against the president?

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American Traitor: President Donald Trump

Ignoring potential cooperation with the Russians to subvert the American electoral process or the continued and blatant interference with the American justice system, our president is essentially a traitor. Why? Because he can’t keep his braggart egotistical mouth shut about American defense secrets. From Politico and shared by the Washington…

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Thoughts On President Trump’s Response To Syria’s Use of Chemical Weapons

After launching 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian airfield in retaliation for the Syria’s use of chemical weapons against civilians, President Trump said he was moved by the pictures of those killed…particularly the children and the babies. http://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-speaks-on-missile-strike-in-syria-915919939901?cid=eml_onsite I appreciate that he was moved at the sight of the dead…

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Carson Campaign Is Channeling the Onion!

I always thought that the Obama campaign and White House stole many of their best riffs from The West Wing television series…but it appears that Dr. Carson’s campaign is stealing their material from the satirical website, The Onion! Dr. Carson: In an interview with Breitbart News Radio, Carson suggested the…

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Good Morning Viet Nam! Sorry, I mean Syria.

Well we’ve gone from 50 special ops troops in Syria to a reportedly 200 more this week. I was afraid that the Paris terrorist attacks might become President Obama’s Bay of Tonkin…but he didn’t go quite that far…yet. But his response is more special ops forces in Iraq/Syria: President Obama’s…

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