Is Bush the Messiah?!?

In an attempt to explain (rationalize) his constant blasphemy, when it comes to Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, good old Peter DiGaudio of Texas Hold ‘Em Blogger explains his blasphemy is all because of the halos!

And people wonder why we keep making references to Barack Hussein Obama as The Messiah, The Anointed One, The Chosen One, the Second Coming of Christ, etc.?

Look at these images of Our Savior from the Drive-By Media, all complete with halo.

For the benefit of my three readers, here’s a couple of samples of what Peter’s referring to:

So according to Peter, those images are one of the reasons he keeps referring to Sen. Obama as the messiah, which begs the question, “does Peter think that George W. Bush is the messiah?” After all, for every photo of Sen. Obama with a “halo,” I can find a comparable photo of our intrepid president:

So does Peter’s blasphemy extend to members of his own political persuasion, or does he reserve his scorn and blasphemy only for folks on the left end of the political spectrum?


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4 thoughts on “Is Bush the Messiah?!?

  1. I find this whole effort to connect Obama with “the messiah” or “the one” by the right kind of funny. You’d think if he was “the one” they’d love him… you know being so religious and all.:)

    I’ve heard some knocks on candidates before but this one really takes the cake!

  2. Dave, that’s what’s so laughable about all this. They grasp at straws for reasons to justify their attacks, but their justification holds no water…

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