Nazis Should Go To Prison: We Shouldn’t Have To Deal With Them Again.

My father was a veteran of the Second World War. He was a sergeant in the 11th Armour Division in General George Patton’s Third Army. During the Battle of the Bulge in January 1945, his half-track was destroyed and he was severely wounded. He spent the next two and a half years in army and veteran’s administration hospitals and finally returned home in 1947 classified as 60% disabled. He was in Europe fighting the Nazis.

It flies in the face of his service and that of hundreds of thousands of other American servicemen that Nazis can run free and intimidate every day Americans in our homeland. Freedom of speech or freedom of assembly or not, Nazis are enemies of the nation and after nonsense like this, they should all be in prison.

And sadly this latest event happened in my father’s home state, in Watertown WI, a small town similar to the one he grew up in.

Here’s the link to the whole story but I am also sharing a photo from the article below.

Armed Neo-Nazis With Swastika Flags Disrupt Wisconsin Pride Event

Copyright: Ford Fischer /News2Share

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