20 Minutes and Counting

As we detailed here, Scott Walker appointed a lobbyists dropout son, to a government job making $81,500 a year. As someone wrote into the Wisconsin State Journal, Brian Deschane’s experience to land this job appears to be “having the right connections and the ability to do a keg stand”. Then thanks to open records request, we see how how the Walker administration and the Wisconsin republicans work.

The Sentinel also noted that two other candidates who were considered for the $81,000-a-year job were immensely qualified for the position, whereas Deschane only had a high school diploma and a history of drunk driving. Neither other man was even interviewed for the job, whereas the son of a lobbyist with a trade group that gave over $121,000 to the governor was an apparent shoo-in.

Hmmm No interview, unqualified, paying off a favor – Sounds Familiar?!?!?!?!

Shining the spotlight on the Walker Administrion forced their hand to actually “demote” Brian Deschane to a lesser paying government job where he will be making ONLY $64,728 a year. Still making considerably more than the average Wisconsin teacher salary.

I would have thought the the lobbyist’s kid fifteen minutes of fame would have ended by now(I am sure he and the Walker administration feel the same) but Mr. Deschane’s fame rolls on. He was even spotlighted in The Onion.


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