Meet Rob Zerban

Meet Rob Zerban, a County Supervisor from Kenosha who has set his sights on Paul Ryan’s seat in the House of Representatives:

Unlike the retreads and also-rans Democrats have run against Rep. Ryan in the past few election cycles, Zerban is a formidable opponent for Rep. Ryan. Zerban is an articulate, intelligent self-made man who knows how to win an election, and given Rep. Ryan’s push to privatize Medicaid, he could find himself far more vulnerable to a credible challenger in 2012.


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38 thoughts on “Meet Rob Zerban

  1. I need to take a little bit of offense with this. Two election cycles agao, Marge Krupp gave him a pretty good run. She was also a legit candidate she just got put out on an island. She got outspent $2 Million to $100,000. Hard to beat an incumbent and overcome that. Plus ryan ran ads that Feingold would be proud of. Had nothing to do with ryan or how he voted or believed, but hey they got him re-elected.

    She was the first candidate to raise $100,000.

  2. Good luck to him, but more than likely he will not be running against Ryan as he will probably be taking a cabinet position with the new Republican president in 2012

    1. Nota, I think that you misspoke. You’re thinking of 3012, not 2012, because that’s the next time that the country will see a Republican President.

      Ryan obviously knows that he won’t be around to see that, so, my guess is that he’ll probably opt to get trounced by Zerban next year, however definitively The Ryan Plan, and its attempt to destroy Medicare, ended his political career, at least for the time being anyway.

      Did you happen to see how the Republicans are trying to quietly and stealthily (under cover of the overwhelming press coverage of the killing of Osama bin Laden) run away from their attempt to destroy Medicare via The Ryan Plan? It’s a hoot!,-budget-vote

      1. Zerban’s off to a great start. Starting off with a citation for illegally operating an unregistered vehicle last year. You would think if the dems really wanted to beat Ryan they would pick a guy with no skeletons in his closet.

        1. failing to register your vehicle is a skeleton? wouldnt giving billions to wall st in a failed tarp bailout be a skeleton? how about voting to redefine rape? spending a weekend in a private koch brothers lovefest? how about a 17% unemployment rate in your hometown?

          any of those skeletons perhaps?

          1. Wow, Super Id really came in with his both his cap guns blazing, huh, Jeff? (*laughing*)

            Guess he took his “best” shot. Speaks volumes about him, and absolutely nothing about Zerban.

            I think that Super Id’s probably just trying to tamp down his fear that Ryan may have destroyed his re-election chances when he proposed in his budget plan to dismantle Medicare and balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, the middle class and the poor.

            What was his plan called again? It’s right on the tip of my tongue. . . “The Hindenburg Plan? Noooo. . .(*laughing*). . .Ummm, the Titanic Plan? (*laughing*). . .Nooo. . .

            Oh, yeah. The Ryan Plan. . .or, as they call it in the political game, “How To Destroy A Political Career In One Easy Step”. (*laughing*)

            Super Id, your boy screwed the pooch, as they say. Just suck it up, wrap your brain around that fact, and start practicing how to say, “Congressman Zerban”, okay?

            Well, anyway, in Super Id’s defense, that whole “unregistered vehicle” thing probably sounded pretty good to Super Id in whatever wingnut echo chamber he heard it in. So, maybe we should all just cut him a little slack.

            In closing, I just wanted to offer you some practical advice, Super Id. Maybe you need a little more “Ego” [ego being the organized, realistic part of the psyche] in your commenting life, and a little less “Id” [the unconscious, unorganized, impulsive and instinctual part of the psyche].

            Believe it or not, making sense when you post, or in any other endeavor, IS all that it is cracked up to be.

        2. Okay. You actually need to be able to READ to see that “All charges against Robert T. Zerban in this case have been DISMISSED…Robert T. Zerban is presumed INNOCENT.” Just check on WCCA (WI Court Access).

          That’s how rumors get started! Nice.

    2. Rep. Ryan will still run for his seat…unless he’s ends up running for Pres or VP…even if he thought a Republican were going to win he’d have to run for his seat…he wouldn’t know if he had a cabinet post until well after the election.

  3. The DPW should produce several thousand bumper stickers for dissemination in the 1st CD.

    ” Privatize Paul Ryan ”

    If they want to thank me for the idea they can buy up my considerable inventory of “PleasantVille” CD’s and give them away at the convention.

    1. “Privatize Paul Ryan”. . .Perfect!. . .

      Steve, send THAT slogan to Rob Zerban, “stat”. . .

      What was the name of your CD again? (*wink*) AND is there any limitation on how many you can order?

    1. The utter clusterfuck her campaign was. Frankly, she was an embarrassment, just like every Democratic candidate in that district since 1998.

      1. Well, now I guess you could say that the District embarrassment is a Republican named “Privatize” Ryan [tip of the hat to the ever clever Mr. Steve Carlson], and the corresponding “clusterf*ck” is The Ryan Plan, huh?

      2. John she was outspent 2 million to 100,000. He has the full weight of the republican party machine behind him and she had a grass roots effort of local democrats. YEt, she still kicked his ass in debates. He was not going to spend any money on the race, then he got scared and at the end spent $2 million in the last month. He was so scared he put out tv ads that would have made feingold proud. Of course stay away from Ryan when its lightning out because as as typical of the Republican party and their ads(not intended to be factual statements).

        For what she had to work with I think Marge Krupp ran a very good campaign and I respect her for it!

        1. If you think Marge Krupp ran a good campaign then you are really going to be impressed when Zerban runs a credible campaign and blows what she did out of the water.

          1. This isn’t a fair comparison. It’s like one prize fighter being beaten by another and then a second one beating the winner of that match easily– after he’s shot himself in the head.

    1. Yeah, Steve, I saw that endorsement. I wholeheartedly concur with it.

  4. While it’s clear I’m biased, I think Zerban should lose the ” Hands Off My Grandma ” bit and go with ” Privatize Paul Ryan”

    Even Chris Hayes, in the clip above, kind of nervously laughs at the
    ” Hands Off My Grandma ” stuff.

    Two years ago the Tea Party/GOP started with “democrats want to kill your grandma”. Now the DPW implies Paul Ryan’s got his hands all over your grandma. When does somebody grow up and knock this shit off?

    1. “When does somebody grow up and knock this shit off?”

      When I’M offended by it. You jess STOP “being a pussy”, now, young man!


      P.S. Boy, now that you’ve got me thinking ’bout it, I think that it is HIGH time that you admitted to Zuma and Zach that Jebediah has absolutely no intention of running for President in 2012 because he’s to busy trying to destroy education in America.

    1. Preach on, brother Jeff.

      -Steven (“I just don’t cotton to Steve. Steven is his proper name”) Carlson’s grandma

  5. Are you kidding? You need a credible candidate to beat Ryan? 80% of the population would gladly beat him with a large stick if given half a chance. He has absolutely no chance of hanging on to his seat in congress. But, I am sure the Republican party will have some post open for him.
    Since they are sitting in the boat he poked a large hole in and bailing as hard as they can, most of them are going down with him. Come to think of it, I think I actually love Ryan.

  6. Whether it be local or national
    If you have any fame to your name
    Realize that our educational woes aren’t due to teachers and schools
    But that society’s attitude toward public ed. is to blame.
    PLEASE use your influence
    So America’s SURE TO WIN this game.


  7. I like the idea of a campaign against Paul Ryan because I really don’t think he represents the interest of his constituents. Normally, I would tend to support the Democratic opposition, however, I have no idea what Rob Zerban stands for other than he thinks Paul Ryan is a bad guy. What we need is to send someone to Washington who will fight for the kind of change the American electorate voted for in 2008, not people who will just perpetuate the partisan gridlock we’re living under now.

    1. If you are an American citizen, it is your responsibility to find out what the candidates stand for. That is extremely easy since they invented these computer thingies. Go to the keyboard, type in Zerban, and take your pick of the websites. If a candidate hasn’t got plenty of information on the computer thingy to let you know what he stands for, then he isn’t actually running.

  8. Bobby,

    I recommend you go to and check him out., He is an excellent and serious candidate with his positions well defined there. Check it out and if you like what you see throw him Ten or Twenty bucks!

    This is the year we beat Paul Ryan.

    1. I read his web site and it “I listen to the people of Wisconsin, I’m for small business, blah, blah, blah.” and my favorite “I’m organizing events to find out what the voters want” but if you look at EVENTS there’s nothing there.

  9. After reading some of the comments posted here against Paul Ryan, it seems like you Leftocrats are still smarting over the beating you took during the RECALL election. Go WALKER! LOL

    “You’re thinking of 3012, not 2012, because that’s the next time that the country will see a Republican President.”

    DREAM ON. LOL Try concentrating on winning back Wisconsin after your “RECALL” defeat, losers. LOL

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