The Current Hogwash That Ted Cruz Is Slinging!

In 2020 we face a serious Constitutional crisis if we don’t have nine justices on November 3rd.

Well this is hogwash.

We went without nine justices in 2016…during an election…for fourteen months…and nobody was worrying about a Constitutional crisis. And in 2016 is was more likely an issue for people like Senator Ted Cruz because they were down one conservative justice, Justice Antonin Scalia.

This time the court is short one liberal leaning justice, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. So instead of a 5-4 majority, the conservative branch of the court should instead have a 5-3 advantage. Where’s the crisis?

Or are they afraid that Chief Justice John Roberts isn’t reliable and will actually apply the law if the Trump Regime and the Republican Party start playing fast and loose with the voting rules? And is this an indication that Senator Cruz anticipates attacking the election results?


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