Honoring WI dead and wounded in Afghanistan

WI families have faced casualties and wounded family members as the war in Afghanistan has continued for years. The Guardian UK has put together an infographic data map using Google Fusion tables that maps out the number of American casualties and wounded in Afghanistan by state. WI families have fared better than the nation as a whole when it comes to the casualties and wounds of Operation Enduring Freedom with 23 deaths in action, 5 other deaths and 229 wounded, a ratio below that of the nation on a per capita basis.

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$60 Billion US Tax Dollars/ $12 million a day

No thats not how much your child’s math teacher is costing the state of Wisconsin, it is how much money we have WASTED in Iraq and Afghanistan have SO FAR! According to an independent panel\'s 240 page report. Overall, the commission said spending on contracts and grants to support U.S….

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Fiscal Conservatives

The Republican political “leaders” like like Eric Cantor(who ran from talks on raising the debt ceiling, no word yet if the \"tea party\" is hunting him down for not staying and fighting), and Paul Ryan have deemed themselves “America’s Accountants” They care only about the fiscal well being of our…

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