Credit Bureaus Removing Medical Debt From Ratings…BUT Why Should They Have To?

Recently all of the major credit bureaus said that they were changing the way that they treat medical debt, both long term and short term, so that it will no longer be a drag on an individual credit rating. They realize that not being able to pay for expensive private…

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COVID-19: Lessons Learned: Employer Provided Health Insurance Isn’t A Viable Model.

Most of my life I have had employer provided health insurance except for the period when I was self-employed and bought my own on the open market. But that was over 40 years ago and it was actually rather affordable. But as we watched the pandemic ravage our country and…

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Hillary Clinton version 2016 is apparently very comfortable attacking a fellow Democrat’s health care plan

Here’s Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2008 talking about Barack Obama’s attacks on her health care reform plan. Fast-forward to this year’s presidential campaign and we’ve got the answer to the question Hillary Clinton asked in 2008, and the answer comes courtesy of Clinton herself, as well as her…

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Why Wouldn’t the NRA Support Universal Health Care?

Why is it those who support the status quo on assault weapon ownership and say we can reduce gun violence with better mental health standards are most often the same people who are against single payer universal health care? Couldn’t we do better providing mental health care if everyone had…

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