Brower Announces Economic Recovery Plan

Glen Brower, the Democratic candidate for Wisconsin’s 21st Assembly District, announced today his economic recovery plan for Wisconsin:

Plan Includes a Number of Initiatives that Rep. Mark Honadel Opposed

SOUTH MILWAUKEE – GLEN BROWER candidate for Assembly from the 21st District, unveiled several key economic initiatives that he plans on supporting as the next State Representative from the 21st District. The proposals are all focused on promoting green jobs by investing in renewable energy as well as helping middle class families cope with the rising cost of living. Several of the proposals in GLEN BROWER’S plan are bills that Rep. Mark Honadel helped defeat.

“A common theme throughout my campaign has been the idea of investing in ourselves. We need to put an end to the era of corporate control, and start to put our financial emphasis on the growth and stability of the American Economy. We can begin this much needed transition by investing in renewable energy sources that will alleviate our dependence on foreign oil while simultaneously creating new and better jobs for our citizens. Our state currently spends more than $20 billion a year on energy that we purchase from other states and other countries. That equation is simply wrong and unacceptable. By investing in Wisconsin businesses that pay livable wages to Wisconsin citizens we can reverse this broken formula and truly move forward in a better direction. ”
-Glen Brower


Investing in Green Jobs for Wisconsin
$30 million for Energy Independence Grant and Loan Program – In his FY 2007-09 biennial budget, Governor Doyle proposed spending $30 million on renewable energy. The budget that Rep. Mark Honadel supported cut that number in half. [JFC motion A1 to paper 210, 5/10/07]
25 percent renewable energy research and development tax credit – The renewable energy industry represents the jobs of the future for Wisconsin. The state should be supporting companies who are investing in creating these jobs that will fuel the future of our state’s economy.

Keeping Jobs in Wisconsin and America
American Jobs Act – Prohibits the state from granting contracts to companies who send jobs overseas. Rep. Mark Honadel had the chance to pass this bipartisan bill last session but voted to kill the bill. [AB 307, 2/26/08]
Double funding for the Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program – This successful program provides assistance to Wisconsin businesses so they can continue to train their workforce to compete in the global economy.

Making Life More Affordable for Middle Class Families
Wall Street Accountability Act – Will require the oil companies and big businesses that make money in Wisconsin to disclose exactly what taxes they pay and which ones they don’t pay. Rep. Mark Honadel had the chance to support this bill but voted to kill it. [AB 751, 2/26/08]
Enforce existing anti-gouging law – In 2006 Wisconsin passed a tough, bipartisan anti-gouging law to prohibit retailers from raising the price of goods by more than 10 percent during natural disasters or national emergencies. Republicans and their special interest allies are now trying to undo the law in order to allow retailers to raise prices by 25 percent. [Assembly Judiciary and Ethics Committee, 9/10/08]

“As a member of the Wisconsin Legislature I will stand up for the hard working men and women of this state and convey the message, that it’s not handouts or charity that are going to solve our many problems or fix our many flaws, but rather an honest and renewed mindset of investing in ourselves. That mindset will lift us from the depths of despair and bring us to the heights of prosperity. We can do better, we must do better, and we will do better. ”

-Glen Brower

At first glance, I’m struck by the fact that Rep. Honadel voted AGAINST a bill that would have prohibited the state from granting contracts to companies who send jobs overseas. After all, I don’t think our state government should be in the business of rewarding companies that outsource jobs by awarding them state contracts. I’m also wondering why Rep. Honadel would oppose anti-gouging legislation, because I don’t know of anyone who supports gouging – except maybe Rep. Honadel.


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